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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. As usual, you are quite a bit off in your assumptions and insinuations. I merely have been pointing out how jealously obsessed you obviously are in regards to a woman who in reality, you actually do not know anything about other than what you read on this site and occasionally it's sister site other than what may get viewed through some cams occasionally. It has been your repetition of comments in regards to that participant in particular, the majority of which have been either sarcastically speculative or insinuative and occasionally derogatory or disparaging in nature that has shown that it is you who are an obsessed individual. You've mentioned that you could care less what anyone else thought and that you would continue to mention whatever you wanted to as often as you wanted to and I've mentioned more than once in the past that as long as it is noticed coming from you, it would be pointed out so it is not unexpected or surprising in any way. It is you that are jealously obsessed in regards to that woman so you feel compelled to try to flip the narative when someone else is pointing it out. That woman or any of the other participants of that site does not owe you or anyone else who subscribes to that site anything at all just because of choices made to subscribe to that site, and if you ever realize that realization, then perhaps there would not be any reason to be jealousy obsessed in regards to any of that sites participants.
  2. Your last statement is once again part of the obvious obsession of jealousy of that woman that you obviously possess. It is very likely certain that none of the participants of that site are contractually obligated to live their lives in any certain ways that would include having to have certain amounts of visitors to their apartments every so often, or having to have certain amounts of enticing or provocative situations occur that might include any sexual situations. It is more likely than not, that there are probably only suggestions given to the participants about choosing to dress somewhat scantilly such as in undergarments as often they would be willing to do so while they are in their apartments, and it is also quite likely suggested that potential bonuses couId be acquired by some of the participants whose cams receive the more to most cam attention between compensation periods. The participants are actually very likely not contractually obligated to do anything other than live at the apartments and keep them clean to a certain extent and not damage any furnishings while living at the apartments, and to notify the sites admin. when they know they will be leaving the apartments for an extended period of time and not going be at the apartments for an extended period of time. It is very likely certain that the participants of that site are not contractually obligated to live their lives any certain ways just because some subscriber to the site might think otherwise, because none of those participants or any of the sites admin. forced anyone to subscribe to that site.
  3. Well, it certainly wasn't accidentally. ๐Ÿ˜‚ It is my opinion that a woman somehow does not seem quite as mature without a little hair down there as long as it's kept trimmed to a certain extent and not allowed to grow out completely ungroomed. ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. Here's to the the good times shared with attractive women.....๐Ÿฅ‚ !
  5. How dum dum her must be trying to show off to that woman like that.
  6. Yes, she eventually will, and you will still be paying for a subscription to that site and visiting this site 2/3 to 3/4 of every day to continuously complain in these threads and occasionally other threads about it. ๐Ÿ˜
  7. One of the more humorous things about her continuing to be a participant of the project, is to notice any of those of others such as yourself that come on sites such as this to continuously complain while continuing financial support of the project by continuing to subscribe. She is not the only one getting the last laughs. ๐Ÿคฃ
  8. I, myself, for quite awhile would have more likely than not been included in a percentage of those who would rather that she stayed with the site as long as the site was in business. At some point in time, I realized that it actually did not really matter what I or anyone else actually thought as far as how long she may or may not be a participant of the site, because ultimately, the only one it actually really would matter to is her because it is her life and therefore her life choices to make after all. Since I came to that realization, it really does not matter to me personally how much longer she may or may not stay with the site because the choice is ultimately hers, although I still enjoy being able to occasionally view her because she is still quite an attractive woman imo. What I do find somewhat amusing though, is those that are registered members of a site such as this, many who at one time or another were subscribers to sites such as rlc, vhtv, or some of the other similar voyeur type sites, choose to occasionally express comments of concern in regards to the futures of some of the participants of such sites that they themselves had subscribed to for certain particular reasons.
  9. You might want to read over my previous comments once more. I believe I mentioned that even others who usually choose to comment on positive matters more often than not, occasionally mention some matters of negativity as well. It is pretty well known that most people choose to go through life looking out for or experiencing matters of positivity quite a bit more often rather than matters of negativity. If you consider that I was being rude, then you are either mistaken, or are wrong.
  10. Everyone is different and views things differently. Although there are some who occasionally visits these threads that occasionally mention some matters that consist of some negativity, even some who usually choose to mention positive matters more often than not occasionally do, but the majority of visitors of these threads choose not to dwell on negativity and seldomly mention matters that consist of negativity. You have even been known to skip doing so from time to time. You might consider doing it more often, because you never know, you might find yourself enjoying attempting to be more positive more often than seeming to dwell on matters of negativity more often than not in these threads.
  11. Lol, I was just pointing it out in case you happened to not notice because I've noticed the thread arrangement or order gets shuffled around from time to time but like you mentioned, they will get rearranged if they think they should.
  12. Did you happen to miss noticing that this is the comments/quotes for pics and vids thread Howard, and the vids thread was now the 3rd thread down ?
  13. That is not negative. Although some of what he has mentioned on occasion has been similar, a substantial portion of his comments have not been, and it makes little to no sense for anyone to continue repeating the same things over and over and most people realize that. To mention or repeat something similar ever so often is one thing, but to continually or repetitiously do so for some ridiculously extended amount of time is certainly another.
  14. If you have read this site for years as you mentioned, and in particular the last year and a half to two years of what he has mentioned in regards to a woman that these threads are created for, then you should be aware of how often he has repeated comments that were more of either insinuative, speculative, or derogatory or disparaging over and over like a scratched skipping record. Something even more ridiculous, is that these are not the only threads that it has been noticed that he has been doing some of same ridiculous nonsense in by trying to convince others in other participants threads that there is something really negatively wrong with or not right about the woman that these threads are created for while comparing some of the other women participants to her in threads that were created for some of them. He is jealously obsessed when it comes to the woman these threads are created for and had revealed that he is quite some time ago after repeating the same nonsense as often as he has for well into a second year now.
  15. What is the most humorous is how mentally disturbed you have revealed that you obviously are, and that the obsession of jealousy of that woman that you developed quite some time ago, has obviously been a contributing factor to quite a bit of it, because it has been obvious that she really gets to that disturbed mind of yours. Anyone who continues to repeat the same repetitive nonsense for as long as you have, which is well into a second year now, is definitely in need of psychological help and you have revealed that you definitely are there Mr. Repetition of Nonsense.
  16. Contrary to more of the same from you in regards to loneliness, it is more likely than not that she actually has friends there that she has gotten to know quite well for as long as she's been there now. So the chances of her being as lonely as you have consistently tried to make it seem for quite awhile now, are actually quite a bit less likely than as much as you have consistently tried to make it seem for quite awhile now. Evidently, being on this site as often as you are and being as repetitious as often as you have been, have revealed attempts of yours at not being lonely yourself, which has seemed to have been revealed quite some time ago by how often you are on this site, and it is quite often at that. Considering how often you are, it is quite doubtful that you have enough of any remaining time that could be spent with any family or friends.
  17. Let it not be forgotten to mention that with the latest dismal job report that has been just released for last month, it makes 3 out of the last 4 months or 4 out of the last 10 months of such dismal reports of there being less than 50% of what was expected and forecast. That's what happens when a general election outcome is determined by mostly fear mongering related to a bug that was intentionally released by evil and worthless individuals of the CCP because they hated forfeiting the billions of dollars in tarriffs that were being imposed on many imported products from that country, and a cognitively declining puppet and his cronies and handlers were installed into positions of which they have no business being in. They are there more than anything else to enrichen themselves, their families, and friends or close allies and supporters and have no clue how to manage a country as far as the country's overall well being for the majority of it's citizens. Evidently, there are many who now realize that mistakes were made as far as choices that were made to vote certain ways and now regret that they did, and the recent elections seemed to be evidence of that. The midterms are less than a year away now, and it is likely that many more will have realized that it is time for more change in management positions and because of the direction the country has been headed and what occurred in the recent elections, it is more likely than not that more similar changes will occur and it doesn't look good for those who have not realized what is more than likely best for the country as a whole overall and a majority of it's citizens.
  18. Probably because of the change of seasons and since it is now the winter season, the temperatures there are not as warm as they are for awhile during the summer season.
  19. It is rlc management that is facilitating it being done likely in attempts to attract more subscribers. It should not matter to current subscribers that it has been being done since they have access anyway and it actually should not matter to those that do not subscribe, because they do not subscribe. If it does happen to matter to anyone, rlc has a support email address and could be asked the question, although receiving a realistic answer from anyone within the management would be somewhat surprising.
  20. Paul -๐Ÿšถโ€โ™‚๏ธ- 2 legs Yvonne or Eva - ๐Ÿ•- 4 legs. ๐Ÿ˜‰
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