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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. On 8/2/2023 at 7:00 PM, dougiestyle4u said:

    While it is okay to belittle each other in the Politics topics it seems to be getting out of hand with respect to other forum topics. Anger builds up or just frustration with members leads to direct swearing at each other in comments being posted. Difference of opinions cause members to stand their ground till the point of telling the other member to "fuck off" or call them names. The playground seems to be less cordial than in the past. A heated discussion is okay but being verbally offensive to others is not. The VHTV Forum is worse but some respect and etiquette should prevail here at camcaps I would think.

           Well that was the way it was until the so called administrator decided it should be changed. Originally, the so called politics forum stated at the beginning that it was to be entered at ones on risk. Evidently that rule decided to be overturned after too much of the opposite minded individuals comments were being posted. So now, we have what this website has involved into which is basically nothing more than invasion of free speech.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

    And arrogance.   Might want to work on the spelling, Nich, then you'll be perfect.

           So I hit a wrong key tab on a word. But I damn sure haven't been in this forum insinuating that which I actually don't know such as youself along with another particular individual who has claimed to be from Corfu. Might want to work on being actually accurate rather than speculative and not knowing what you both have insinuated or claimed by such statements in this forum but actually don't know. So if there was arrogance to be considered, it would likely be from such speculation and ignorance of actually not knowing what has been insinuated by either of you.

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  3. On 9/20/2023 at 7:45 PM, jugghead said:

    Entiendo amigo, but I consider it a valid point none-the-less. Also gobbledygook is not a made up word. It is actually very old.


    On 9/20/2023 at 11:46 PM, JeannieP said:

    Gobbledygook again.

    Educate yourself sir and look it up in the dictionary.

    You might be surprised to learn it was first said by a highly educated adult American in the 1940s.

    You really are a confrontational individual aren’t you, your remarks driven by wounded pride rather than practicability. 

           In all actuallity, not confrontational unless being confronted by someone else. Irregardless of when such a normally unused word was supposedy established and has been seldomly used in statements other than usually used by adolescents, it is considered juvenile or childish. Perhaps it may be not by you Jeannie P who might want to consider your particular use of words since my use of words are more driven by age, inteillect, knowledge, and experience in regards to adult comments. 

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  4. 53 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

    You didn't disappoint! Arguing again.

    RE: Evidently you must have not noticed, I responded to your comments in the newest subforum page,

         Evidentially you didn't notice I answered it.

    RE: I actually could care less since her so called obviously uneducated opinion

       The girl's got game. You don't know what she does for a living. She's an educated professional. (and a looker...)

    RE:  Anyone who cannot comprehend simple and plain statements are obviously not as educated as they may attempt to make others believe.

         My professional career (which is none of your business) required an advanced education.

    RE: Additionally, anyone who makes a statement using such childish adjectives such as gobbledygook might should actually consider becoming more educated as an adult.

         Your comment was "gobblygook". You could have said the paragraph in one concise sentence. You have to forgive us, we aren't as qualified as you to determine who is intelligent, educated or right. Sorry, Nich.

           Of course I didn't disappoint. You and your apparent air headed kind like to try to seem otherwise. But the comments you and your kind, who have been mainly the so called online individual using a username of ddhm that you have nearly sworn by and have even claimed to have even having proof of of that individual has supposedly revealed to you, although I know that you realize that such proof would not be able to be revealed on an online website otherwise. Therefore, I know that you are both full of b.s. just like the forum name of the user your latest comments were in response to was. 

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  5. On 9/10/2023 at 9:06 PM, Max Ragnar said:

    Jimbo can back up his opinions.  ddhm, you may be surprised, can back up his opinions.

    Jimbo was a warrior. A stud and has no bone to pick with those that weren't.  ddhn, I know for a fact, is fucking women, young women, fuck me, beautiful women, you never dreamed of. I'm sick and tired of a guy who apparently hasn't succeeded in anything but denigrating those that have.

    You're entitled to your opinion as much as you are entitled to make a horse's ass out of yourself which, in my opinion you have perfected.


          But you as well as the rest cannot back up your opinions on an online webite. So your so called opinion along with any others you mentioned or any others as far as that goes, are actually not believeable without actual proof. Now if you would like to continue such a discussion in the 'Rants and Flames wars' forum, I believe we certainly can. Since you seem apparently to like to stating quite a bit so called comments that also might be believed other than your protegei on this website who you falsely claim to know what you actually in reallity do not, what do say you Max, perhaps we should continue such a discussion in the 'Rants and Flames', forum of this website ?

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  6. 1 hour ago, Max Ragnar said:

    Nich, I think she made a good point about your comment:. You could have responded continuing in the new forum number. Others do.

    But the good news for you is her answer and my answer gives you something to disagree with in an upcoming post which you seem to enjoy..


           Evidently you must have not noticed, I responded to your comments in the newest subforum page, so regardless of what your so called good point you think she made, I actually could care less since her so called obviously uneducated opinion other than you getting it wrong regarding the latest page of this forum and her getting it wrong regarding not comprehending the statements that were made. Anyone who cannot comprehend simple and plain statements are obviously not as educated as they may attempt to make others believe. Additionally, anyone who makes a statement using such childish adjectives such as gobbledygook might should actually consider becoming more educated as an adult.

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  7. 13 hours ago, JeannieP said:


    Perhaps you would do better refraining from posting such gobbledygook.

    It would be easier deciphering hieroglyphics than one of your paragraphs. 🤷‍♀️

          Perhsps you might do better choosing to become more educated so that in your mind there would be no need in having to decipher statements that are normally considered plain comprehension to most others, might eventually be so for you as well. 

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  8. 58 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

    Nothing stopping you, let her rip, Nich.

          Like I mentioned, it was too late as far as responding to such comments since it occurred during the last subforum page of comments that has already been closed out. Now if you perhaps might like to start a newer subforum page of such comments, you can of course decide to when you may feel obliged to. Nothing stopping you Max, although I'll refrain from mentioning that I agree unless I ever observe otherwise.

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  9. 4 hours ago, Howard said:

    To each their own.

    I think once looking at the cam, she breaks the fourth wall.  You are suppose to be a voyuer, not a person in the same room looking eye-to-eye while she bates.

    On a similar note, we all like looking at a sexual piece of ass doing her thing (some like Max Ragner might like if the she was a he 😁). But seriously, in the last apartment when she was in the guest bedroom having an orgasm the same time Paul opens the door, that was, for me, that fourth wall being broken. The fantasy of being a voyeur turned into the feeling as if I discovered the answer to a riddle.  Of course, thinking has changed since then.

    What is intriguing is last week when she was with Mr. White in the bedroom, then Paul walked in, she hid the dildo as if being embarrassed/shamed; while we know he's known of her "secret bating" for 11+ years.  Hmm...

          Perhaps not as intriguing as it might seem otherwise since he's most likely known of it, but he has most likely never observed such an ocassion from the start to it's finish.

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  10. 4 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

    If Leora had a chance with an attractive woman no doubt she'd be an enthusiastic cannibal as much as she loves eating pussy. There have been times she almost dehydrated herself she ate herself so much.

          Once again I shoud remind you and your dreams or hallucinations of her eating pussy is nothing more. Perhaps that's why you may fantasize on such occasions Max

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  11. On 8/11/2023 at 9:12 PM, StnCld316 said:

    It wasn't the contradicting of the posts that got it closed. It was all the hatred and being bigoted toward others is what got it temporarily shutdown. Once others can agree to curb that type of behavior then I can open it back up again.

            Perhaps some may believe that but, I believe otherwise there oh Camcaps leftist oversee'r StnCld since that is what many of you leftists believe in as far as censorship. Curious to know what the answer or excuse would be as far as for the 'statement preceeding the so called political threads were that stated, 'enter at your own risk' and it was that way for many years until you decided it should be otherwise. As I mentioned earlier, such is only typical of leftist bullshit ideology to censor speach they dont want any others being made aware of. Perhaps that may have been what you did not approve of when a propagandist kraut was being referred to for what he actually was by showing nothing but unproven leftist support of propaganda and blatant contempt that pertained to the U.S. If so, I could care less. You leftists are mentally phsychotically ridiculous and there is no doubt about it. Make no mistake about it, the cencorship along with the propaganda of the left, will eventually end and it will not likely not end in any good way, just as it did not for the left during the times of President Abraham Lincoln.

  12. On 8/22/2021 at 1:35 AM, jimbo4 said:

    As I have replied several times when asked, I have never appreciated the addition or contribution of Malia to the apartment, so I could and would not comment on her individual  " performances " because I would not watch the apartment when she was there alone. so it would be unfair to do so.

    I would say though that from what I can gather from reading through the various threads in reference to her, that she appears to have made most people happy by stepping in and covering on the many times Leora chose for whatever reason to be absent.

    For that reason alone she deserves respect for her " work ethic ", it couldn't have been easy living in the shadow of an RLC legend, but apparently she managed OK.

    Good luck girl in whatever you chose to do in life. Have a safe journey home and a happy and healthy future. 👏🙂

          Apparently, you decided on making your stated conceited arrogant conctradictive statements regarding many of your past contradictiive comments. You might want to consider your so called vacation before you decide on much of  other of such comments there mate.

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  13. 2 hours ago, TBG 150 said:

    Close to it in the Leora threads. Jimbo4 and Pepe both think that Leora is in love with them and they are looking to kill each other so she can only choose one. Their problem is, they are delusional. She's still doing the 'two pump chump', and he gets on here and leads these two on and they are too stupid to realize they are being trolled to the max!


    Ya just gotta love basement dwellers!

          TGB-150, me believes your theory is way off base. Evidently you think or believe that others comments should be believed based on what is stated in comments, Contrary to such a believe or comment, I for one believe otherwise. 

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  14. 17 minutes ago, Max Ragnar said:

    Have you read my posts. I watch her because isn't a normal chaste woman. I watch her because she's a sweet looking sweet woman that does extreme sexual actions I couldn't hope to see a normal woman do.

    She'll even put in a tampon! Where the hell would you see a normal woman do that.

    Expecting you to argue with this answer.

          I have read many of your post of comments Max. Many of which were that of either specualations, criticisms, or that of simply agreeing to other's post of comments that had been posted that were nearly the same.

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  15. 21 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

    Nich, what is it with you? You argue about EVERYTHING!

    1. a normal woman in your opinion, would even think about doing what she does.

    Of course they wouldn't and no one would subscribe to RLC if the normal women did.

    2. since you are retired and apparently have no idea what decisions some people in life decide to go thru to make a living. 

    You have no idea of what my career was. It dealt with people just like Leora and their decisions and their families and - what they did for a living.

    Let me be very specific. Leora is not a normal woman. What she does on camera no decent woman would even consider. That is why she has an audience: she does things "normal" women don't do in front of other people.

    So, Nich, your mom, sister, wife and daughter are okay with it?  They'd do the same things?

    If this is "normal" moral behavior why doesn't Leora have her dad and her Prague friends over?

          Once again Max, like your protegie ftom corfu, you state speculation. Are you and your protegie from corfu who comes on a website such as this considered normal people, me thinks not. Perhaps you and your greek friend from corfu might should consider otherwise.

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  16. On 9/10/2023 at 3:38 AM, jimbo4 said:

    And who is the hypocrite thanking you for it.....None other than the person who suggested the imagining of each emoji sender as giving a BJ and who initiated the sending of trolling emoji's in the first place, for Dumber and Dumbest to follow.......My case rests !


           Evidently mate, you resent having not only being unnecessarily criticizing comments but also childish comments being removed. Perhaps you might want to reflect on your more recent participation on this website in this forum while you are away.

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  17. 5 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

    Ha! Freud was frustrated he couldn't figure them out.

    Really its easy to answer your question. A "normal", sic, woman isn't an exhibitionist . They may fantasize about doing this or that but wouldn't go public and actually do it. Leora wasn't a full blown exhibitionist but discovered exposing herself gave her extra sexual excitement and she began to do more and even look at the cameras. Remember her subdued/shy first bate in the bathtub? Ours mothers, sisters, wives, daughters overwhelmingly would never do what Leora does.

    It isn't normal to be a voyeur. Certainly not to the extent we pay RLC and participate in the forum.  Our mothers, sisters, wives, daughter, heck even our neighbors, would think we were perverts for watching RLC and being active on the forum.

    To deny that reality makes defining normal impossible

           Well if a normal woman is what you are apparently interested in Max, what the hell are you involved in such forums of this website for ? As long as you have been, evidenly you are looking for something else other than what you consider a normal woman. Me thinks that is likely why you and someone who has always stated conjecture and speculation seem to agree with one another as often as you have. You claim to be retired and of upper age, well many of the comments you have posted would lead others to believe otherwise. So you and your conjecture and speculative cohort, can continue just what you both have been which has been nothing more than conjecture and speculative b.s. 

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  18. 15 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

    Now then Nich, seeing as I'm still awaiting an answer from your good self regarding Pauls washing habits I aught to just ignore you until getting one, but I have dismissed it as evidence you do talk a load of unintelligible bullshit as the post above confirms.

    I wasn't criticising SG's post, I was looking at it from another perspective. Had SG have felt aggrieved he would certainly have let me know, and would not need  interference, especially from someone who can't even answer questions put to himself.

    I have an opinion like most people, the fact I express that and it doesn't agree with yours or anyone else's is irrelevant, that's not conceited or arrogant, especially when it is posted on a forum such as this. Conceit and arrogance is when you Scutus and Masterchef and a couple of others really believe that your opinions are sacrosanct and should never be challenged. 

    If you and the other luvvies want to post your continued love messages to Leora then that's fine but don't be surprised if at times someone disagrees with them through a different interpretation of the facts as they see them....Again not arrogance or conceit but honesty perhaps.....

    I always know when the likes of you, Scutus and Masterchef can't produce an honest answer to an honest post, you hide your embarrassment behind either an emoji or you become personal  .....Well that's absolutely fine as long as you realise that if you give it then be prepared to accept it back in larger doses.....Which you lot don't like do you.

    If you wish to worship Leora 24/7 then avail yourself of the Leora Fan Page and allow others to post their honest opinions on this thread.. 



        Actually jimbo, it is you who talks a load of b.s. but tries to conceal it as otherwise with your so called words of wit. Your conceited arrogance of comments and particularly your latest childish comments regarding what another or others might do sexually related to your disgusting comments, is only mere proof that your intelligence level is not what you attempt to make others to believe it is. What happened to 'Live and Let Live Mate' ? Me thinks you have apparently lost your way or have been unecessarily carrying on a crusade that likely should not have not been or at least for not as long. Otherwise, why such conceited arrogance mate ?

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  19. 17 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

    With respect SG, I think that your opinion regarding 10 year couples and their love life could be way of base. But it could also be a generational thing.

    Because sexual outlooks and availability are so different nowadays compared to 30-50 years ago it is difficult to assess what the norm would be, what with the distractions of social media and computer games occupying much of the modern generations free time.

    I would argue that previous generations would after 10 years and aged 30+ still be at it with each other, so long as children didn’t interfere with emotions.At that age men and women are still at the peak of their sexual powers with women certainly and men having probably reached their peak in their late 20s.

    As for showing affection, yes it is shown in small amounts by L&P, but irrespective of whether they kissed earlier on in the day whether spontaneously or solely for the cameras, surely if you are together in bed “ making love “ the natural thing to do would be to kiss. The reason that I see that they don’t is because there is no “ foreplay” . Paul staggers in, and wham bam thank you ma’am straight in done and out again without sometimes removing his trousers.Leora at times is no better when coupled with him, she should tell him to relax and take his time, she shouldn’t go straight for his cock, she should be teasing him and stroking, let him watch her stroke herself, their are times when the foreplay can better the actual shag.

    He is also probably too stunned when he is “ performing “ to have the energy to multitask by fucking her and kissing her…..heaven forbid.

    Most of what occurs within the confines of the apartment is dysfunctional by most people’s criteria , so normal rules and actions as practiced by normal civilised people don’t really apply.



          With respect jimbo, I think you might want to consider being less conceited and arrogant as to criticize others posts as often as much as you do. Could there be an issue with why you do as often as you do such as there being a conceited arrogance issue that you feel compelled to do so ? Your repsonses to others posts of comments would apparently seem so. That is not considered intellectually more so intelligent whether you may believe so or have a gift of gab or certain ways of words or not.

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  20. 20 hours ago, Max Ragnar said:

    Something is missing there is and can be no doubt. Leora is not the genius some think. She's a flawed fallible human that has many many more deep seated issues than she realizes or that many on the forum can see. A normal woman would even think about doing what see does in front of us. Hey, I watch but it doesn't excuse her issues that some fail to acknowledge.

          So evidently, a normal woman in your opinion, would even think about doing what she does. Me thinks you may have misquoted yourself but hell, who cares if it's related to a normal woman since you are retired and apparently have no idea what decisions some people in life decide to go thru to make a living. 

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  21. 5 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

    "MAGA" - Trump's "Make America great again" is a lie and demagoguery. The saying suggests that "America" was once "great" = large and important in history. That was never the case!!

    The new continent was the goal of desire, gold, wealth, quick money - people who stood in the way were simply murdered. To this day, some CC members have still not moved on in their feeling, kill, lynch...

    Many countries populated the "new" continent, criminals, adventurers, bigoted families for whom Europe was too narrow - a battlefield of very different interests. Everyone was busy with themselves - but zero innovation. Thinking about a future? "Great" - ZERO:

    In wars in Europe, the USA profited by looting things and intellectual achievements and began to become internationally visible through "theft". "Great" ?? NO!!! When Americans were still experimenting with weather missiles with a range of 35 km, Germany already had A4 missiles with ranges of 1,000 km and more.

    It was only through theft after WW2 and then until today that this USA became technologically important. Russians also siphoned off German technical knowledge and launched Sputnik 1 - and USA ??? "Great" NO!!

    Even Oppenheimer, the inventor of the US atomic bomb, his Jewish family came from Germany / Hesse. USA "Great" NO!!!

    This “MAGA-Trump vocabulary” is pure lies! USA was always an insignificant country and stole and cheated. Trump is a pathological liar and millions of Americans still believe this idiot to this day - and even risk "bloodshed", terror and civil war. Bye USA ???? Finally start being humble!!! You don't deserve more with proof!!


           Look, you propagandist piece of shit kraut, what the fuck do you try to seem so concerned about what the hell is occurring in the U.S. when that rediculous excuse of a country where you are from decided to not pay their agreed to portion to be allowed to continue to be a member nation of NATO you rediculous piece shit propagandist kraut. Like your mentors and hero's of the so called 1000 year 3rd reich who attempted to as well as spread lie after lie, you are nothing more than a rediculous propagandist piece of shit kraut. Perhaps one day before it is too late for you, you might realize that your dishonesty and deception does not work in as many places in modern times.

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