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Posts posted by Nicholas

  1. 1 minute ago, StarLight28 said:


    DU kannst Wahrheit nicht ertragen und nicht erkennen. USA wird zunehmend ein unbedeutendes Land in der Welt. Atomwaffen hin oder her. Durch über 70 militärische Einsätze mit Gewalt hat sich Deine USA in der Welt überall unbeliebt gemacht und Feinde geschaffen. Und nun will mit Euch keiner mehr etwas zu tun haben. Ihr habt verschissen. Keine Freunde. Der Idiot von Trump hat das Ansehen der USA in der Welt weiter ramponiert. Soll ich Dir wirklich zum x-ten mal Belege für US-Unfähigkeit der USA posten.

    Schalte endlich den kleinen Rest Deines noch verbliebenen Gehirns ein und denke realistisch !!!


            Propagandist kraut, I have only this to make you aware of, 🖕 you, and any others like you.

  2. 16 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

    @NicholasIf it is factual what has been written by @RdKing this morning regarding possibly 30 hours then would your views be any different....And of course those that supported your views above, being the Three Stooges, Dumb Dumber and Dumbest...😁🐌🖕

           If it is factual, why you don't know, yet you evidently insinuated as such ? Regardless, if the emoji's were meant for me, same to you mate...😄🖕👌

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  3.      Well in reflection of past comments, apparently there must be quite a few hipocrites who continue posting comments in the nowadays listed as the Leora and Paul thread. Some of whom stated quite the opposite before the participant known as Pauls arrival at the current location. It should be no surprise as to someone's curiousity as to what has changed since then.  

    • Confused 1
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  4. 15 minutes ago, Noodle said:

    let them eat cake GIF by MaremonstrumSeason 3 Showtime GIF by Our Cartoon President

    the Biden-Pelosi mousetrap has snapped shut again. On the 60th anniversary of the famous speech by Dr. Martin Luther King in Washington, of all places, not only does the former president of the United States Donald Trump have to face up in criminal jail, but also an amok attempt in a republican state, but also with a democratic mayor, as in Minneapolis with George Floyd, and a previous statement from the gunman that seems like a Hollywood movie (Oswald-Kennedy fairy tale). If I want to kill people,light who care why I did it? After shooting myself I have none that people know what I did it for, unless I wanted to harm someone. Since Pelosi re-entered the political stage, the country is systematically divided: once it's Trump, then it's Corona, now it's Putin. Who is the next victim of the Biden-Pelosi devil couple? 🤔

            Evidently, you like starlight13, along many of you propagandist ignorant idiots on the left, are as full of shit and ignorant as they come. Keep on trying to peddle and promote such bullshit propaganda and see where it gets your kind like the so called nazis did.

  5. 5 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Eine interessante Stellungnahme - mit Unwahrheiten. und "Kraftausdrücken" ohne Sachlichkeit.

    Der junge Mann wurde NICHT von der Polizei getötet, sondern er hat sich selbst erschossen. Keine Fiktion, der Mann war rechtsradikal und Rassist mit Hakenkreuzen auf der Waffe. Dennoch, der Junge war "kein Stück Scheisse" und mit "Gott", es ist perfide zu sagen "sein Leben war nichts wert" - ist das "Christen denken" ??? Ich fürchte JA !! Menschen, welche besonders "gottesfürchtig" und heilig tun sind nach meiner langen Lebenserfahrung besonders engstirnig, "Un-christlich" und gefährlich. 

    Der junge Mann hat Manifeste hinterlassen, welche auf kranken Hass hindeuten - offenbar genau so wie sein Mentor Trump. Genau so wie einige Mitglieder hier im Forum, welche Hass gegen Demokraten, Einwanderer, Hausbesetzer, Mieter, Schwarze, Kleinkriminelle   ..... pausenlos hetzen. Soll ich ins Detail gehen und konkrete Beispiele, Fakten und Namen nennen ??? Kein Problem für mich - alles archiviert !!

    "Trumpismus" ist offenbar ein Virus der zu "Geistes-Gestörtheit" führt. Arme verführte Amerikaner.  Gut, Mitglieder hier im Forum sind statistisch kein Spiegelbild der US-Gesellschaft, ich bin sicher es gibt auch viele intelligente und besonnene Amerikaner - hier leider Mangelware.

    Noch ein Beitrag aus dem hervorgeht das der junge verführte weiße Mann sich selbst erschossen hat.

    Ach ja, hätte dieser junge Mann nicht legal Waffen kaufen können und der Erwerb von Waffen zu 90% eingeschränkt würde, wäre auch dieses Massaker nicht erfolgt. US-Geschichte muß auf neue Beine gestellt werden. Immer mehr Länder wenden sich von der nicht lernfähigen USA ab. Sterbt in Dummheit und lebt weiter in 1793



    In einem Geschäft in Jacksonville hat ein 21-Jähriger zwei Männer und eine Frau erschossen und nach der Tat mehrere Manifeste hinterlassen.


            Just as has been mentioned many times before, you are nothing more than a worthless excuse of humanity dishonest propagandist kraut like your mentors before you, you kraut propagandist m.f.

  6. 14 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

    Much depends on when you consider a bath should be taken Nich.

    She has several times given him a BJ during the morning when he had last bathed possibly 12 hours previously prior to sleeping throughout the night......Is this acceptable? I think not. 

    The usual suspects may well give you acknowledgements for what you state solely because they have to be seen supporting " The Goddess" ::) but as usual they would be wrong .......Again ! 

    I on the other hand, much as I like you, think you could well be misinformed.

           Probably not the most intelligent idea mate, although someone sleeping overnight is not considered as such poor hygiene or as bad as those who might do so between multiple days between baths or showers. Furthermore, no one influences my opinions from what I, myself have viewed, and no one ever will.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:
    Why does my male private part smell rancid?
    -  When too much smegma builds up — because you sweat a lot or don't wash your penis regularly — it can create smelly white chunks that can cause bacteria to grow. If left untreated, your penis can become inflamed or infected.
    What does smegma smell like in men?
    -  As smegma builds up, it may: Look like crumbly cheese. Smell foul, like sour milk. Cause irritation or swelling
    So, as pulo said earlier "Leora Enjoy a good cheese".

            I absolutely disagree. If anyone thinks that the woman known as Leora would allow someone who has not bathed to have sex with her, then those who believe so might want to consider believing in such otherwise.

    • Like 2
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  8. 16 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    @StnCld316 It's enough. I ask this user finally to block because of insult and hate speech. Thanks. This "person" is obviously not capable of learning. No word on the matter, only insults. This is below the level of CC.



    16 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    @StnCld316 It's enough. I ask this user finally to block because of insult and hate speech. Thanks. This "person" is obviously not capable of learning. No word on the matter, only insults. This is below the level of CC.


           You attempt to be intelligent with your posts of propaganda. Evidently, you are not quite as  intelligent as you attempt to make others believe. If in fact you were, you would be aware of an option on CC's website that a user could use to block noticing posts of comments from another user. It has been mentioned many times, and many ways, you are nothing more than a worthless excuse of humanity propagandist kraut like your mentors before you of the so called 1000 year 3rd reich. 🖕

  9. 49 minutes ago, Gregg said:

    Enjoying the cheese around pauls dick he never washers it  right  I think he's not sure want it's for well we all know that

           Dude, you might want to consider getting your head out of the gutter since you have accumulated very few like or humor emogi's over a long period of time including multiple usernames.

    • Upvote 2
  10. 37 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


    Ich heiße nicht Adolf, Du kleiner Ficker.

    Was hat das offizielle "Verbrecher-Foto" von TRUMP mit 80 Jahre alte Geschichte in Deutschland zu tun ??

    Das Thema hier ist USA und ein krimineller US-Ex-Präsident. Alles andere ist Ablenkung. Komme zum Thema Canadian-Cowboy !!



           To the contrary, the comments you responded to are facts and not bullshit propaganda that you try so hard to promote and make others believe although anyone with any shred of common sense does not. Although it has been mentioned many times before in many ways, you are nothing more than a sorry assed, apparently no good for anything else other than being a kraut propagandist.

  11. 2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

    Tot oder lebendig !   Für Hinweise 1 $    .

    Wie sein Freund Putin. Für Hinweise 1 Million $


           More bullshit propagandism from none other than a sorry assed propandist kraut himself. Here's what most with any decency and common sense who lack any psychological issues such as yourself or anyone who believes in your propagandist bullshit thinks about any of your or anyone who may believe in your propaganda bullshit kraut....🖕! You might want to more concerned about your kraut country paying what it is supposed to be rather than only a fraction of it to be included in the Nato alliance you piece of shit propagandist kraut.

  12. 14 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

    Donald Trump muss zum ersten Mal eine saftige Kaution zahlen, um vorerst auf freiem Fuß zu bleiben. Und es gibt weitere Bedingungen.


    Trumps rote Krawatte ist reiner Hohn, rot ist Farbe der Revolution, des Sozialismus - zu Trump würde besser ultrarechtes kaki-braun passen. 😁


            Especially since you are no more than an obviously ignorant socialist/marxist propagandist kraut who has always revealed himself to be and obviously always will.

  13. 16 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    Paul can take Eva for a walk while I take Leora for a long walk away from RLC - 🤣.


    14 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    What, Paul playing hard to get? You dumb fuck - it is Leora, you fucking piece of shit. Go play with your helicopter and skateboard you numbskull.


    12 minutes ago, dougiestyle4u said:

    I bet if Leora gaped her asshole you would probably see $$$$$ signs inside - :smile:.


  14. 12 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Good. Glad they are going to Germany. They won't add to the millions who are already coming into the U.S.

         😆 👌 That kraut propagandist once again reveals his ignorance of what has been actually ocurring around the world and once again reveals that he is nothing more than a kraut propagandist.

  15. 57 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:



    Zusammenhänge von Menschenhand, welche dieser kleine Nazi-Idiot immer leugnet. So einen geborenen LOOSER noch einmal US-Präsident ?? Amerikaner sind nicht klug, sorry, doch das sie einen kriminellen Versager noch einmal zum Präsidenten wählen - das glaube ich nicht wirklich. Dann ist EUROPAS Feind im Westen. Israelische Raketen gerade richtig !!



         Like your mentors and heros before you, you are as full of shit as they come you nazi propagandist. 

  16. 4 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    If the girl had the gun pointed at her head they should have just let her blow her brains out rather than striking her with a cruiser knocking her to the ground just to get brownie points for an arrest..  

          Wrong, she pointed a gun and shot at law enforcement authorities so she should have been either shot dead or detained, arrested, and put in a cell which is likely where she is and will be until she gets judged for her actions of wreckless endangerment of not only law enforcement officers, but also any public bystanders who may have been nearby. The putting the gun up near her head was all for show.

  17. On 8/15/2023 at 5:21 PM, StarLight28 said:


    And another contribution from a hate-eaten psychopath who can only produce "word salad" without reason and has not yet arrived in 2023. Rest in peace - and squirt your "wicked poison" on your right-wing extremist US-Nazi cronies and not on me. 

    If even then "Himmler", so much time must be. I have nothing to do with all of the above, they are role models and favorites of your criminal idol from Trump. And now get in your basket - baby!

    Not a single word is a factual "answer" to my statement. So only deliberate insults and incitement to hatred under Section 130 of the Criminal Code. 😁



          Yet more lies from none other than a disgruntled propagandist kraut. Your mentors of hitler, gobbels, himmler, and gohering are waiting for your kind in hell.

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