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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. In modern times, a majority of people are not as used to being alone for any substantial periods of time compared to others of populations at times in the past. Even though there are still quite a bit of the populations of modern times that live alone, a majority of the populations of modern times prefer to live with some sort of companionship.
  2. That's probably related to what my opinion has been on such matters. Considering how long her and Malia had been close friends, it's more likely than not.
  3. Gets back to my opinion that no matter what was ever said and overheard enough for some to think otherwise, or what occurred in the apartment that may have made things seem otherwise after her previous roommate had departed, that afterwards she more than likely would have preferred that her friend would have been able to stay and remain her roommate longer.
  4. It has seemed that she might apparently be intrigued enough to apparently be so at this point in her life, since Catholism is a belief that a savior or messiah of mankinds less desireable or wicked ways have never actually arrived yet, and Buddhism is apparently a belief of life being constantly recycled to an extent of there being reincarnation from one life to another.
  5. I realize that, but she also acquired a buddhist incense holder that she placed on the nightstand and occasionally burned incence on. That is also part of practices of those who believe in or are practicing a religion of Buddhism.
  6. Apparently, she has been interested in Buddhism to some extent for awhile now. What such an interest might have to do with either Catholism, or that of anyone being interested in being considered an athiest, I could not say for certain since Buddhism apparently practices a belief of believing in certain mythological beings or individuals along with a belief of reincarnation.
  7. Well one thing seems for certain, and that is that apparently that is part of the real life of the participant known as Leora.
  8. That's true. Although it is imo, that a bald kitty seems more of an issue of a woman seemingly desiring yearning to remain at a young enough age before pubic hair was developed for as long as they can manage to, although after certain ages most folks realize that no one can remain young forever unfortunately.
  9. Awww heck Slip. Perhaps she should have just considered allowing a little ole pubic patch to be developed and cultivated and just kept trimmed for awhile for a change. I think that would have certainly been some interesting observations to have been privy to have observed, quite possibly even for her to observe herself. 😉 😎
  10. Since a residence permit is probably considered the same as a temporary resident visa, that is somewhat what I had alluded to recently in the previous thread as well GH. Although, I did not mention the matters in as much detail, since I was referring to what had been previously mentioned in various threads that I was aware of, as well as what I had heard in some pm's, and I have been fortunate enough to rely on some pretty accurate translations of various parts of overheard conversations. Your contributions to the threads have been appreciated GH. Thanks alot for clarifying certain matters once again.
  11. Perhaps you misconstrue others opinions as others who think they may know better since it is likely that a majority of others realize that what gets mentioned in the various threads of this site, are more a matter of someone's opinion, rather than quite as much of others who may think that they may know better regarding various matters. Regardless, there are certain occasions of visual as well as audio matters that are observed as well as heard that influence others opinions regarding certain matters, so there may not be as much of others gossiping like elderly ladies as may be considered by some.
  12. As I previously mentioned, I believe that no matter how things may have seemed because of what may have been said on several occasions, that a thought of how things seemed when she was there by herself for 5 months before her friend arrived and became her roommate for awhile, had crossed her mind and deep down, she really did not care for her friend ending up having to leave no matter how it may have seemed afterwards when she cleaned the apartment more thoroughly than it had been in awhile, and made a few rearrangements and added some newer furnishings. Everyone who lives together at some time or another have disagreements and spats, even family members. It is my opinion that deep down, she would have preferred it if her friend could have stayed there and remained her roommate longer.
  13. I do not recall noticing anything mentioned in regards to her having a friend at a consulate there, but I do recall noticing it being mentioned in a thread and being made aware of in a pm as well, that she knew of someone there that was supposed to be an attorney that she had recommended that her friend Malia consulted regarding it being discovered that a visa that she had been issued had expired and she had supposedly been given a directive to leave the country by a certain date there. I also recall noticing it being mentioned in a thread and being made aware of in a pm as well, that Leora had applied for and was apparently approved for and issued a temporary resident visa before ever relocating there as part of a process to be able to eventually achieve a permanent resident status there. So if her friend Malia had also applied for a temporary resident visa for there as well, apparently the visa she was approved for was for a period of time quite a bit less than the visa that Leora had been approved for and issued. Since there was a likelihood that there was no intention on Malia being there as long as she ended up being there, which was probably related to travel restrictions being implemented within a couple of months after her arrival there, and she had probably only requested being approved for a certain amount of time when an application had been submitted for her to acquire a visa to be able to go there to begin with, and the amounts of time that each of their temporary resident visa's were approved for, were probably the differences between the visa's that each of them had applied for.
  14. Apparently, you have not kept up enough to not have to wonder jugg.
  15. It's somewhat interesting that you should mention at the end....because somehow I think not since some of the same points have been being brought up on more than several occassions previously although worded differently. Unless of course the end must mean until some of the same points are felt like being mentioned once again the next time but worded rather differently. Somehow I think that if I were somewhere on lounge decks in the midst of serene beachs where a good bit of appealing scenery was available a majority of the time, some of the same points would not be as much of any issues of interest on my mind.
  16. Yeah, and perhaps they should just try using some lye soaps to do it with. 🤣
  17. 🤔 Gee, I don't know for certain, but maybe they don't want to take any chance of having a little Kitty or Smitty running around any time in the near future. 😎
  18. What's not a surprise, is that apparently your existence has been a projection failure since the time you were conceived since it has seemed obvious that the better part of you evidently ran down someone's leg, you projection failure propagandist. Unfortunately for you and others like you, some days of reckoning in the near future are coming that will make you even more of a projection failure, and all the lies and propaganda from you and others like you, including the ignorant and incompetent unfit puppet and his cronies that your kind has to continuously lie for, make up excuses for, and peddle propaganda for, will not prevent those days from arriving.
  19. I don't think it sounded like a feminine sounding male voice in any way either.
  20. If I'm not mistaken, it seems that I recall that a voice was overheard somewhat on several occasions and although very little, it seemed to be a voice coming from someone who sounded like a male that definitely did not sound like her previous roommate known as Paul.
  21. Such possibilities of which orientation might be the more likely would probably be........lb - probably, lg - possibly, lt - doubtfully.
  22. As far as what has ever occurrred between N & M and what might could ever occur between N & M, what I have to think about it is 😁, that's why I like it. 🤣
  23. I agree. I'm pretty sure she likes doing as much as she can for as much positive reflection for her as can be achieved, but imo she might ought to think of her own well being somewhat more as well at times.
  24. Well folks, there is always a possibility that she may have just not been into doing much of anything other than sitting back and relaxxing. Especially considering that she recently just went through something that had her feeling obviously not completely well.
  25. For many people who go from living with someone else for quite awhile to all of a sudden living by themself, it takes some getting used to.
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