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Everything posted by Raul399

  1. Wentworth that's the name of the series you're watching ... 7 seasons ... and it's a total of 80 chapters ... will be entertained for a long time ... hahaha .... I'm bored something I have to do. Wentworth ese es el nombre de la serie que esta viendo ... 7 temporadas... y son un total de 80 capitulos... estara entretenida por mucho tiempo.. hahaha.... estoy aburrido algo tengo que hacer.
  2. I already gave him the solution ... to press the center of the smoke detector on the red button with a long stick for 15 seconds and rearm and end of the beep ..... but he doesn't read me..hahaha
  3. laughter is the result of every word I write with sympathy and I want to convey joy .. hahaha
  4. interesting .. has left a lip exposed .. hahaha
  5. god .. now she's addicted to a series ... and that series has 7 seasons .. hahaha
  6. I am sorry to contradict you ... but if you have watched the videoconferences with Paul for a few moments you can see that Paul is still in the old apartment ... because of the little Russian I have learned (for work) ... 1- I have heard that they are preparing the move but have not yet done it ..... 2- Paul is with visa procedures to go to Prague 3- They go to visit Madrid (I hope I am wrong and that it is Barcelona .. better be Valencia .. hahaha) siento contradecirle... pero si ha observado las videoconferencias con Paul por algunos instantes se puede ver que Paul aun sigue en el antiguo apartamento... por el poco ruso que he aprendido (por trabajo)... 1- he oido que estan preparando la mudanza pero aun no la ha realizado..... 2- Paul esta con tramites de su visado para ir a Praga 3- Van de visita a Madrid ( espero equivocarme y que sea Barcelona .. mejor seria Valencia.. hahaha)
  7. I think she is not aware that all the apartment is paid .. I think she thinks that camera 1 is free .... the best camera in the room is 2 that is on top of the television ... she should put her pussy in that direction ... hahaha creo que ella no es conciente que todo el apartamente es de pago.. creo que piensa que la camara 1 es gratis.... la mejor camara en el salon es la 2 la que esta encima de la television...ella deberia poner su coño en esa direccion... hahaha
  8. God that hungry has entered me .... it looks very good what you are cooking ... could you invite me .. hahaha .. if you invite me I go..hahaha .. I do not need a passport .. hahaha dios que hambre me ha entrado.... tiene muy buen aspecto lo que esta cocinando... me podia invitar.. hahaha.. si me invita voy..hahaha.. no necesito pasaporte.. hahaha
  9. I know it friend ... when she really does it well I am the first one that I applaud .. but if the circumstances as I have commented prevents it I am also the first to say it ... I have not blamed her ... it is also of thank you for doing so at this time that all of Europe has already stopped working and can see it .. maybe that has been for rlc reboots .. greetings friend lo se amigo...cuando ella realmente lo hace bien soy el primero que aplaudo.. pero si las circustancias como he comentado lo impide tambien soy el primero en decirlo...no la he culpado a ella.... ademas es de agradecer que lo haya hecho a estas horas que toda europa ya ha dejado de trabajar y puede verla.. tal vez eso ha sido por los reinicios de rlc.. un saludo amigo
  10. today I felt a little disappointed .. choose the farthest camera and the worst quality for the light ... I imagine you can know that because there is no video that she can see in that apartment ... the quality of rlc every day is worse I think it is the only porn site that uses flahs player 10 years ago was good .. in the times we live today that technology is obsolete ... the page did not stop reloading .. in a few words with the beep .... lack of light ... page reload ... I have not become horny ... hahaha hoy me he sentido un poco decepcionado.. elije la camara mas lejana y de peor calidad por la luz... me imagino que puede saber eso porque no hay video que ella pueda verse en ese apartamento... la calidad de rlc cada dia es peor creo que es el unico sitio porno que utiliza flahs player hace 10 años estaba bieno.. en los tiempos que vivimos hoy dia esa tecnologia es obsoleta... la pagina no paraba de recargarse.. en pocas palabllas con el pitido .... falta de luz...recarga de pagina... no me he puesto cachondo... hahaha
  11. I don't understand this woman ... hahaha ... she has the tablet next to her and uses her cell phone to caress herself ... hahaha
  12. Change position that camera will look far away ..hahaha
  13. you can see a little pubic hair ... hairs in the pussy .. hahaha ya se aprecia un poco de vello púbico ... pelos en el coño.. hahaha
  14. that noise is annoying .. hahaha ... with how easy it would be to reset the alarm .. hahaha .. if you have a red button in the center you just have to press it for about 15 seconds and ready noise removed .. hahaha .. and if not He arrives at the table or chair and help himself with any long tool to press that damn button .. hahaha es molesto ese ruido.. hahaha... con lo facil que seria rearmar la alarma.. hahaha.. si tiene un boton rojo en el centro solo debe pulsarlo por unos 15 segundos y listo ruido eliminado.. hahaha.. y si no llega que suba a la mesa o silla y se ayude de cualquier utensilio largo para pulsar ese maldito boton.. hahaha
  15. tonight it would be his turn to sleep in the bedroom ... hahaha ... I don't think with that horrible noise I can do it in the living room..hahaha esta noche le tocara le tocara dormir en el dormitorio.. hahaha.. no creo que con ese ruido tan horrible consiga hacerlo en el salon..hahaha
  16. I completely agree with you ... the surprise is that in a short time Paul will meet her ... the conversation that yesterday I heard that being would meet with her .. my Russian is very bad .. ais sorry they didn't I can make a better translation. estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo... la sorpresa es que dentro de poco tiempo Paul se reunira con ella... la conversacion que ayer oi entendi que el ser reuniria con ella.. mi ruso es muy malo.. ais que perdon que no pueda hacer una traduccion mejor.
  17. hello .. I have read that our girl has played for a while .... now with the time change it will be a problem for many of us ... now she has a schedule like the rest of Europeans ... the problem is that if she does it before 19 or 20 hours ... very few people will be able to see her live ... at that time 90 percent of us are working ... I will lose most of her masturbations .. my bad luck haunts me .. .hahaha ... I hope that whoever has seen it live has enjoyed ...... I'm still hoping to change the schedule of their games ... hahaha. From now on I will leave my comments in two languages ... English and Spanish ... yesterday the translator made me look like a rude ... hola.. he leido que nuestra niña ha jugado un rato.... ahora con el cambio horario va a ser un problema para mucho de nosotros ... ahora tiene un horario como el resto de europeos... el problema es que si lo hace antes de las 19 o 20 horas.. muy poca gente podra verla en directo... a esas horas un 90 por cien estamos trabajando...yo me perdere la mayoria de sus masturbaciones.. mi mala suerte me persigue...hahaha... espero que quien lo haya visto en directo haya disfrutado...... aun tengo la esperanza de que cambie el horario de sus juegos... hahaha. a partir de ahora dejare mis comentarios en dos idiomas.. ingles y español.. ayer el traductor me hizo quedar como un grosero...
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