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Everything posted by Raul399

  1. God .. I pulled her panties off and I ate her pussy until it came in my mouth
  2. Yesterday I saw everything black .. Now I see everything white ... Ha ha ha ha
  3. It is already improving a little .. Two arms and a half teat .. Ha ha ha ha
  4. Leora .. What are you doing in the covered bed ... Please ... Give your body joy ... That your body is to give you joy and good things ... Ha ha ha ha
  5. I would like to feel your wet nipples on my tongue ... God!
  6. It's already starting to play with my tits ... It's my weakness ... Ha ha
  7. God!!! That pretty and sexy is now I've always said that a good orgasm enhances beauty in a woman .. Ha ha ha
  8. Bravo bravo ... Great great ... Fuck your ass and pussy at the same time .. Wet nipples with saliba .. That has been very hot ... For me one of the best ... Thank you my beautiful girl. For making us enjoy as much as you enjoy .. Kisses
  9. Surely if .. Ha ha ha ha .. Taste and smell .. Ha ha ha ha
  10. That I like a little hair in the pussy .. More than all shaved .. Ha ha ha ha
  11. It is not necessary that you look at the mirror of the mobile phone .. You are very pretty .. Look at me .. Ha ha ha ha
  12. me imagino que la criatura perezosa es por Paul....yo no lo veo como usted... Paul casi todas las horas esta en su mesa trabajando.... lleva varias noches sin dormir.... Pero si usted cree que mostrar el coño es un trabajo... pues Leora es la persona mas trabajadora del mundo... Ayer Paul estaba sentado sobre la cama esperando a que Leora acabase de masturbarse para nosotros... por la noche Paul queria hacer el amor con Leora y la señorita Leora se hizo la loca y no le dejo hacer nada a Paul.... Me puedo imaginar a Paul tener que aguantar esas cosas, tal vez las circustancias de no poder tener un trabajo y ser autosuficiente economicamente... debe de aguantar esa situacion y dejar que Leora haga todo lo que hace... Son sus vidas y cada uno vive su vida como quiere... Yo se que mi pareja se masturba, pero si no me diese el sexo porque esta cansada y ya se ha masturbado un dia y otro ... a la segunda vez que me lo hace mando a mi pareja a la mierda... No se si tengo razon o no... es lo que yo pienso... Espero que no me juzgen por esto... Yo no juzgo a nadie.. cada uno es muy libre de pensar y no voy a responder a ninguna alusion al respecto... Paz y amor para todos...
  13. I imagine that the lazy creature is because of Paul ... I do not see him as you ... Paul almost every hour is at his table working ... he has not slept for several nights .... But if you think that showing your pussy is a job ... Leora is the most hard-working person in the world ... Yesterday Paul was sitting on the bed waiting for Leora to finish masturbating for us ... at night Paul wanted to make love with Leora and Miss Leora went crazy and did not let Paul do anything .... I can imagine Paul having to put up with those things, maybe the circumstances of not being able to have a job and be self-sufficient economically ... he must put up with that situation and let Leora do everything she does ... They are their lives and everyone lives their life as they want ... I know that my partner masturbates, but if he did not give me sex because he is tired and has already masturbated one day and another ... the second time he does it I send my partner to fuck ... I do not know if I'm right or not ... it's what I think ... I hope you do not judge me for this ... I do not judge anyone .. each one is very free to think and I will not respond to any allusion about it ... Peace and love for everyone...
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