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Everything posted by Raul399

  1. hahaha... interesante propuesta... hahaha ten cuidado conmigo soy un cazador habil y muy experimentado.. hahaha
  2. At six he'll leave the apartment.. but he could leave at 6.20... and before he leaves he's told Paul to love him. Hahaha
  3. I've always watched my prey... I'm observant by nature... I think I'm a good hunter.. hahaha I think that about you too... hahaha
  4. Paul is a funny and amusing guy... yesterday he asked her what she did while she was sleeping... and Paul answered her by listening to music and picking my nose... it was in a cynical tone to answer the comments of this forum that say he only does that... hahaha
  5. It's been a week already.. tonight Paul is leaving.. it's not that bad my Russian... I already said I'd be there for a week and it has been..hahaha
  6. Hi girl.. i'm sure you're not me.. hahaha.. I'm an intellectual provocateur of women... you're very observant... I like to provoke, with the word... and with my body... now out of respect for a person... I don't provoke for the cam... but if I'm a provocateur... a kiss for your lips.
  7. many of us have the perfect woman by our side and are not aware of it...( I say this for me). We always want what we don't have... and we see it as a dream to be fulfilled... We spend our lives chasing dreams, and we forget to live... maybe the dream is the present and we don't know how to enjoy that moment...
  8. we must be adults.. and admit reality.. Leora is and will be a fantasy and will never become reality for any of us.... As much as we wish we could be with Leora, as much as we tell Leora through this chat that we love her, it's a fantasy... and if someone really thinks they are going to conquer Leora... I sincerely believe they need medical help...(psychiatrist) hahaha
  9. hahaha... it's so much fun to read the chat... everyone's opinions, and how we see people differently.. the commentary of Paul's intelligence... makes me laugh a lot... Paul is with Leora... and he kisses her... hugs her... fucks her... laughs at her... they talk... etc... Now the question is: who is the smart Paul or us? We, to have fantasies and enjoy it, pay a fee a month... Paul pays nothing and enjoys Leora without being a fantasy... it's a reality. My answer is: we.. hahaha
  10. Good night, everyone... enjoy the show. I'm going to sleep.
  11. hahaha... I don't manipulate any women... it's women who manipulate me... I wish I had that power with Leora... hahaha
  12. fuck... it's a very big problem... I'm very sorry... I want everything to be fixed as soon as possible..
  13. Leora saw the latest brad pitt film, AD ASTRA, last night... She was thinking about my... so much talking about braul.. hahaha..
  14. At the moment I have 20 days left of menbresia... I'm going in very little ... around here .. I owe my partner a respect .. and it's a good start to stop being a Leora addict .. hahaha
  15. Johnny relax... she's not going to masturbate when Paul's home and asleep... and with Auntie... She knows that Paul would be upset and very.. now and peace and love in that house, she's not stupid.
  16. Special greeting to Nick.. and Leora.. I know Leora likes braul pitt.. hahaha
  17. hahaha... i only love one woman.. my girlfriend.. Leora I like... but I don't love her... hahaha to love a woman, you have to know her, look into her eyes and feel that there is chemistry, caress, kiss, feel her perfume, talk ... etc... etc... and none of those things I have with leora... it's not the end of the world.. hahaha
  18. very slow...hahah looking at pictures of these days I spent skiing with my girlfriend.. I didn't notice the time... or anything... hahaha So good night, Jugg...
  19. Speaking of family... hahaha next week my girlfriend is coming to live at my house... I won't have much time to enjoy my hidden pleasure and I will have to stop being a voyeur..hahaha but I'm excited and I hope that this time everything goes well with my partner ... I hope this is the last ... hahaha
  20. Paul is the best choice for Leora... no man would ever share Leora with us... and he does... I recognize that everything is a business... that for a few years she will collect as much money as she can... I imagine she has plans for the future... to leave all this and start a family...
  21. I see them happy and enjoying their vacation... when Paul returns to Russia... Leora will return to her job... remember this is work... nothing else... hahaha
  22. How bad is envy. here we all are the smart ones, the most beautiful... the ones with the biggest dicks... the ones who make a woman enjoy herself better than anyone else... we are the best of the best... How bad is envy. here we all are the smart ones, the most beautiful... the ones with the biggest dicks... the ones who make a woman enjoy herself better than anyone else... we are the best of the best... HAHAHA We all criticize Paul, but the one who fucks Leora is Paul.. the one who gets her hugs and kisses is Paul.. HAHAHA We all criticize Paul, but the one who fucks Leora is Paul.. the one who gets her hugs and kisses is Paul..
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