Ihre Nachricht ist Witz und Rätsel. Was Sie sagen wollen ??? Tatsache ist, dass dieses Forum ist langweilig täglich mehr - aussehen: niemand ist interetet
hier zu schreiben. 10 h, 20 h - niemand Antwort geben. Dieses Forum ist der Tod vor - nicht interessant für mich,
I'm new here in CC-forum - I've looked here some weeks ago - ok.
Sorry, this CC-forum is very boring. Only 3 or 5 people dominate this forom and write nonsens.
I don't need this primitive shit. Good and intelligent members - or Good bye. With stupid i Don't want correspond !
Babys who like only her smartphone i don't like.
Who know russian meals ??? Interest "cooking" and eating here. Something they give in soup plate, hot water and eat with spoon.
Often "powder", sometimes vergetables fry inthe pan - but always stew to eat by spoon. Knife and fork the people in this apartment
don't need. All is "solyanka"-style ???
Some years ago russian neighbors made with very much smoke in garden 3 times in week "shish kebab" - eating by hand.
Knife and fork are in russian unknown ?????
This couple is since 08/2014 in the rlc-apartment. 3 or 6 month ok - longer time is stress for the people and boring for rlc-members and visitors.
I like Adriana - poor girl !! I think they are not married - so they spare stressed divorced.
Adriana with new boy in this apartment ??? Macho Daniel were never interesting !!! Good bye, baby.
NO ! Lesbian don't need boys - perhaps DILDO.
After drink Vodka Russian are aggressiv and important things are going down - no sex is possible
You remember chaos in VV ..... Good bye. We don't need any "circus" with drunken monkeys.