The girls enjoy his company, plenty of laughs and Lola certainly doesn't mind sharing her bed with him. Don't expect to be around for long, living out of his suitcase.
Thanks Ben, got my "Js" mixed up. Yes that would have been a goer, pity won't happen this time around, maybe a future encounter. Still holding out for a Lola/Rosie match before they both depart. Rosie has tried with Gina and Polya and has been unsuccessful. I think she would have nil chances with Nicole so it only leaves Lola. We will keep our fingers crossed.
I would characterise the two girls now in B2 as extroverted and introverted. I will let you decide who is who. However that doesn't apply to their sexual performance. Rosie has only had the one full blown event so far with Jess so she is still has to full assessed while we all know Nicole's assessment.
And another word I use is BUM which is a nickname for ARSE (note spelling) or what our American Cousins call ASS or BUTT. BUTT is what we refer to as the end of a cigarette. The other day in a shopping centre two young females were talking about a bloke who walked pass and said he had a nice butt, I corrected them by saying you mean bum don't you and they looked horrified as if I used a swear word. The influence of American TV shows on our culture is sad.
Knowing Rosie desire to try to play with the other girl's pussies, I wonder if she is thinking Nicole as my next target especially if there is no other to share in B2.
Sleeps, eats, talks, smokes and shower. He actually pats some of the girls on the bum if they close enough. The girls are quite happy to parade their pussies in from of him as if they no worries of a reaction.