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xdjernix last won the day on November 11 2017

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  1. I understand it. They had to count on that. Even so, 90% of the cameras are paid. And then do they show an empty corridor or loggia? Now it's nothing.
  2. Why did they cancel cameras everywhere. Those that remain are nothing. I voyeur-house off Idiots!
  3. Someone uploaded again Eva & Sam Threesome Part 1 and Part 2? Very thanks.
  4. Who does not want? Users? It would be overview.
  5. Why is not VHTV divided into pictures and discussions like RLC? There is a mess.
  6. I use privacy and XXX pichoster.net , pixhost.org , picgur.net , keep4u.ru or http://picpie.org Quickly reads pictures here.
  7. sat11 what is the server imgbox.com? Very badly reading pictures here. Very, very slow. Galaxy J5(2016)
  8. Cez aky prehliadac sledujete VHTV a RLC na mobile? Mam Samsung Galaxy J5. Ja sa pokusam cez Puffin, len v poslednej dobe mi to nejako nechce nacitavat. Teda RLC ide celkom v pohode, ale VHTV sa neda sledovat. Asi maju na ho*no server.
  9. Vie tu niekto po slovensky/česky?
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