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Everything posted by itsme

  1. <a href="http://vimeo.com/85316926">Eva.</a>
  2. Apparently, this woman posted these pics on Reddit and was never heard from again. The general consensus is that these are best natural tits ever posted on the internet. Would you agree? Do you have a better example? Edit: Supposedly the pic below is her. The story is that she is a teacher and one of her students identified her, so she deleted her account.
  3. <a href=" de Corps Puisque (2014)</a>
  4. itsme


  5. itsme


    Link is here: http://www.utopiatv.com/home Not quite sure what it's all about, or who's controlling the cameras. Haven't seen any nudity yet, just people talking and a few girls walking around with tops and no bra underneath.
  6. The deal is pretty simple. If you are a paid member you can post directly to this forum and view pics posted by others. If not then you have to use a third party image host. RLC, apparently is trying to prevent people from posting images of their cams, so they are having file sharing sites take them down. It is against the terms of service for them to use this site, and they'd have to pay to actually see what is post here. Also, forums usually work under the fair use rules that gives them some shelter from copy-write complaints. I am a paid member and I see the "pictures removed" icon. I only see pictures of cams that are in the free zones. Any pic posted of a non free camera gets removed. Are you saying as a paid member I should not see this "picture removed" icon? What I am saying is that as paid member you can post directly to this forum, as in upload pics directly to this server. When you are a free member you can only share pictures using the "add image to post" button which uploads the pics to a third party host. RLC knows about this host, and has been making them take the pics down. If you post here, RLC can't do anything as they can't see them and they aren't allowed to use this forum. It's kinda the main benefit of being a paid member.....
  7. The deal is pretty simple. If you are a paid member you can post directly to this forum and view pics posted by others. If not then you have to use a third party image host. RLC, apparently is trying to prevent people from posting images of their cams, so they are having file sharing sites take them down. It is against the terms of service for them to use this site, and they'd have to pay to actually see what is post here. Also, forums usually work under the fair use rules that gives them some shelter from copy-write complaints.
  8. <a href=" Bunniie's Mojo has Risen</a>
  9. Yes, this has been explained many times. Unless you're a "paid" member you can't view attachments. To upload pics as a free member you have to click the "Add image to post" option.
  10. Why does our government care so much about the Muslims killing themselves ? Let them take care of each other, don't get me wrong I like this kind of footage but we're putting American lives at risk. We need to just stay out of the middle east, it's none of our business and when we do try to help it just gets turned around against us. We end up fighting the same people that we tried to help and their using our own weapons against us. http://youtu.be/Yxd6alb0ibM
  11. itsme

    ww.com Split#2

    I believe "J" when he says you're renzo simply because you the have the odd habit of referring to women as "him". I don't know how you justify or explain that, it's a really odd trait, and I don't think the language barrier explains it. How do you explain it? I've literally never seen that in any other writing other than renzos and your own.
  12. She's on now hula hooping.
  13. <a href="http://vimeo.com/39742533">The Courtship</a>
  14. <a href="http://vimeo.com/77488897">VIDEODROME</a>
  15. I can't even imagine. How does september 11th compare in your mind? Was it as scary in terms of not knowing what was going to happen next?
  16. For the old dudes: Where were you during the Kennedy Assassination? How old were you? What was it like during that time? Do you believe in any of the conspiracies surrounding it?
  17. Nice! Probably one of my favorite fetishes.
  18. itsme

    ww.com Split#2

    very well said,,people go on cam there for the purpose of seeing,or letting friends see them while they communicate with people who they may not be able to see any longer,and yes,,there are exhibitionists who like to go on cam,without the intent of being copied by pervs with no life,,and yes,i know when you go on cam you are out there for everyone to see,,but still not right to record and post everywhere.do you feel like a hero when doing that,or looking for approval in your miserable lives from your peers here?it may not be easy to run a respectable cam site,but i feel J has done a good job with WW,,the only thing was the mods that were in place before,,,key word,,'before',that has been rectified. i myself applaud J for coming here and confronting the scumbags who like to talk,record,and belittle people on cams.if they had a life of their own,,they would not have time to sit in front of a comp screen watching and recording cams. i know there will be shit said about this post,but thats normal here,,thank you for your time,,and J,keep up the battle,lol 1. There was no "hack" it was literally cutting and pasting the source code from the site. 2. We didn't do anything to scare people away. The stuff that scared people happened long before CC existed. Also, WW itself has a feature where you can record and screen shot the videos, they even have an archive. If those who broadcast were really that concerned about their pics/vids being saved they shouldn't have been on that site in the first place. 3. The reason people post pics and videos here is so that others can see what they missed and vise versa. It has nothing to do with trying to hurt those on cam, its really just away to follow the action if you will. 4. If people don't like the discussion here, don't come here its simple. Most of the "harassing" that I see is between members, and not directed at the people on cam. And really how are people comfortable with showing the world their wieners and beavers, but at the same time hyper sensitive to comments about them on a completely different site? 5. The purpose of WW was not so that friends could have a private chat and see each other. It was a place to be an exhibitionist.
  19. <a href="http://vimeo.com/104158148">Natural States Speaks - Nature</a>
  20. WTF is all I can say. <a href=" <a href="http://vimeo.com/thetsunamiiscoming">
  21. itsme

    ww.com Split#2

    I have never seen under age content on this site. Thats not what its about. If it was I wouldnt be here. In fact in terms of underage crap by far some of the most questionable things ive seen have been on your site (nina). Its not against the law to discuss things that are copyrighted, which is I think what this site is about. You have a lot of fans here, I think your doing yourself a disservice by being so confrontational.
  22. itsme

    ww.com Split#2

    I am not here by mistake. I enjoy your site, however, since the move things really haven't been the same. I am not here to stalk or threaten or post details. I understand why you would be against that happening, but do you really think that shutting down all conversation about your site is the way to go? As I said I know we've helped people find your site, and there have been plenty of time where people on here have said "so and so is on cam" and I've gone to your site when I otherwise wouldn't have. Hopefully, you can work something out with Admin to perhaps do a better job of moderating, without killing the whole topic.
  23. itsme

    ww.com Split#2

    I think you're being a bit unfair in lumping us all together. I personally would never stalk or show up at someones door, that's outright ridiculous, and I would never attempt to hurt someone that I don't even know. I don't think I've seen personal information posted here. I think you're right to ban the stalkers and those that take things too far, but to prevent any and all conversation about your site seems like its going to far. Yes, this is a voyeur site, but not all voyeur is sexual. Some of us just like the idea of seeing how others live their lives no matter how mundane that might be. Sure seeing a nice set of tits good, but really if that's all we were after we'd go to any of the millions of porn sites out there. I like your site, and there have been quite a few good conversations about it on this forum. I agree the conversation has become pretty negative as of late, but it's not all bad. Also, I would mention that I know this site helped a lot of people find your site when you moved from WW to Camarades, I personally posted the link on numerous occasions for people who were asking where it went.
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