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Everything posted by itsme

  1. It's a virus, and not only that you have to fill out some affiliate crap to get it. I'd steer clear of it.
  2. itsme

    ww.com Split#2

    Sure doesn't seem like there's a lot going on over at ww.com anymore. There's got to be other sites like it out there.
  3. Are you talking about this? http://camcaps.net/random-discussion/jenny-live/
  4. They used the same software. The only difference is that they used a free theme, and copied the RLC logo.
  5. And so what? That site was a shoddy rip off of CC. I think part of the reason they got shutdown was because they were using the name reallifecam and using their logo. Notice how CC doesn't have RLC in the URL and it doesn't use their logo?
  6. itsme

    new website

    Post the link....
  7. itsme


    http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/David_Slye/profile/ Male review pics from a PB bucket. Looks like there's lots of other stuff too.
  8. Do they cam on any other sites? It really looks like she's spreading her legs for the laptop camera. a couple others:
  9. Here are a few random pics I found from a now closed coffee stand. I guess these were release by the court.
  10. Voyeurdorm damn I didn't know anyone remembered that place. Good times.
  11. It's not blocker. Were you using rtmpdump? They changed to rtmps which is an encrypted stream so that you can't record the stream.
  12. Fyi, using the NoScript firefox extenstion. Options --> Advanced tab --> ABE Tab --> Click on user --> Put this in USER Rulesets: Site http://reallifecam.com/static/backbone/application.min.2014052701.js Deny This is what I did to block the whole scritpt.
  13. I'm not positive, but I suspect it's in this file: http://reallifecam.com/static/backbone/application.min.2014052701.js Blocking that whole script prevents the video player from loading at all. We need to find the specific line(s).
  14. I am trying to find the timing and positioning that they use so that I can make a Macro to block it when it pops up. Additional, I am going to play around with some filters to see if there's a way to make it so that you can't see it at all. If someone can tell me where in the code they have this, I could have a friend who is a programmer (10+ years experience, BS from a top 10 school) look at this.
  15. I need to go to bed... This is kinda fun though. The reason why rtmpdump doesn't work anymore is because they switched to rtmps which Secure rtmp that uses SSL, in other words its encrypted.
  16. On second thought I found it. (I got banned). Here it is, I highlighted them. Anyone know how this is being done? Or what this pattern is? It's hard to find, it just looks like pixelation which is why I never noticed it. Now all we need to figure out is how to stop it from poping up. Would an extension like no script stop it? Looking at their source code there's a whole bunch of scripts most of which I don't understand.
  17. Anyone have a screen shot of the phantom message that pops up? I've never seen it. Obviously obscure it in some way if you upload it. It does seem like they are particularly targeting video uploads.
  18. Do what? Turn cookies off? Just google "how to turn cookies off" for whatever browser you're on.
  19. I think I have an idea about how they might be doing this. They could be stealing/recording browser cookies from visitors, the CC cookie has the user ID in it, all they would have to do is look at your Cookie's Session ID which has your CC user ID in it, they could then easily look up your username on CC, and map your IP or RLC cookie info to your RLC account, and ban you if they find pics or videos. I always browse with Cookies off by default and I have yet to be banned, but some of you may have them on. If you disallow cookies from CC it should prevent them from figuring you out. I am going to look more into this, but this could very well be what they are doing. If anyone else has knowledge of this stuff let me know.
  20. Granted I don't know a whole lot about Cyphers, but what I do know is that the code that they put in the video isn't actually in the video, you can see it in the source code. In other words it's not like they are rendering a secret code for each video stream, they are using HTML, PHP, or Java to implant a watermark over the stream. What that means is that they can't decipher some secret message by using a screen shot or video, as they aren't actually doing anything to the video, they are just putting up a watermark. It would be like writing your name on a piece of transparent paper, holding it over a live broadcast show, and then filming it. Yes, your name would show up, but only on that particular recording that you filmed.
  21. It's obvious that they inhabit this forum, but I believe their decisions are based entirely upon the number of hits; the hit trends, and what the bottom line says at the end of the month. I doubt that. It was a dog being abused, how do you put that into statistics? Over the past month not enough people have even reached the renewal point of their subscriptions. It's pretty clear that they know about this forum and monitor it. Even some of the couples have commented here.
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