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Everything posted by itsme

  1. (The Linked Content is No Longer Available)
  2. Probably so that you don't hear the plop noise every time they take a shit..
  3. You are a Paid Member
  4. Never realized there was so much nudity on YouTube.
  5. Read the News banner on the board index.
  6. If the only reason for sharing pics is so that you can make a few cents then why bother?
  7. You left your RLC member id in the images. That's how you get banned.
  8. They don't seem to be around much. When is the best time to watch them?
  9. I can't believe the cops let these feral mudslims get away with what the did. https://youtu.be/wReBjzdenzo
  10. Nice find. What search term did you use?
  11. Did you notice the camera guy at :18 and his unfortunate timing?
  12. California is about to run dry. What happens when the most populous state in the U.S. runs out of water? 67% of the state is in Extreme or Exceptional drought. http://www.news10.net/story/weather/2015/03/26/california-drought-update/70490544/
  13. What qualifications does she have? I don't particularly like her music or her persona.
  14. https://webcamsplus.com/jennifer_sex/ Quite the gape.
  15. http://cams.camcaps.net/sandrafoxy/ Skip butterfly lips, these are bat lips.
  16. There have been several of them who have been on here. I don't remember exactly but I think Leora at one point was posting on here.
  17. (The Images associated with this comment are no longer accessible and have been removed).
  18. An interesting look at the Juggalo subculture. https://vimeo.com/29589320
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