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Everything posted by itsme

  1. itsme

    ww.com Split#2

    Assuming you are who you say you are. Why do you have such a negative attitude? I don't think any of us have tried to "ruin" your site. If anything I think we've been more of a fan club. Also, you said Renzo is here? What name does he use? I've had my suspicions but I am not sure.
  2. itsme

    ww.com Split#2

    Can you post the code using the "#" code insert.
  3. itsme

    ww.com Split#2

    I am confused about this script that you're all talking about? If you're referring to the code posted in the screenshots that's not a "script", it's just the source code from one of the cam pages. It doesn't give you open access to the whole site. You'd have to manually change the code for each different room, assuming it even works. I have tried it and i can't get it to work. Any suggestions?
  4. Find us a better site then. I personally almost never watch RLC anymore, I got tired of it a long time ago. I like posting on the other boards though.
  5. <a href="http://vimeo.com/101841159">Abby - Stetson Dance</a><a href="http://vimeo.com/user15463960">
  6. itsme

    ww.com Split#2

    I remember Tina and Miss123. I think she's called Marie et Fabien now. And I always enjoyed bhands. Tina still goes on. Really the only thing that worries me about people talking about it here is that it might scare people off and ruin their community if they find pics posted elsewhere. They seem to be a pretty tight knit group, and kind of in a corner where no to many people know about them.
  7. itsme

    ww.com Split#2

    I only recently found out about it from this forum. But, it seems like a nice little community. There is usually at least one topless woman on at any given time, usually more in the evening. As for the small screen you just need "tokens" to watch them on the larger window. Tokens can be gotten from playing triva, or receiving tips from other people, or buying them. I have 1000+ tokens and I didn't buy any of them.
  8. itsme

    ww.com Split#2

    You can insert code using the "#" button. It prevents it from trying to run as though its part of the page.
  9. itsme

    ww.com Split#2

    Just out of curiosity why isn't there more talk of cameraware.com. It's really not much different from WW, except they have a decent group of women who actually go on there and show stuff. I get that it's not exactly voyeur, but neither is WW given that they have a chat, and broadcasters interact with viewers. I guess my only concern would be ruining their community if everyone started posting pics of people.
  10. itsme

    ww.com Split#2

    Dire legal action? What does that mean?
  11. No kidding. Except I don't think it's milk. It came out of some type of bottle that looked more like a lotion or lube bottle. I am not sure what it could be honestly, either way it doesn't seem very safe.
  12. Just came across this. http://webcamsplus.com/jerilynn/
  13. itsme

    ww.com Split#2

    Apparently if you were already a free member you can still watch the cams. It's only if didn't have an account at all. I have a free account and I am able to invite people from it.
  14. Are you a female? If so please set your gender in your profile.
  15. <a href=" It All Hang Out</a><a href="http://vimeo.com/user15463960">
  16. <a href="http://vimeo.com/103931431">Funkiest Song Ever</a><a href="http://vimeo.com/user15463960">
  17. Sylphia, Explain what you mean by this site has caused hell for Ann.
  18. How do you know that? Do you know her personally? Who ever Syphia is seems pretty upset.
  19. I keep hearing people say that Ann doesn't like this site, she doesn't like us talking about her, and doesn't like the negative comments. Do any of you actually talk to her? If she doesn't like being talked about why does she broadcast those sweet melons of hers on the web for all to see? If you have an issue with being talked about on the web, it seems a bit odd to also openly broadcast yourself. Why would/is she so bothered by comments on CC? This is a small corner of the web, why is she so concerned about a single thread about her on a relativity small forum? In all likelihood all of this talk that is supposedly from her is just speculation from guy's who want people to think that they know her. For instance how do we "make life hell for her "? I personally have never tried to contact her in any manner, I just enjoy the cam.
  20. Those images were posted on other sites. Looks like RLC got to them and had them taken down. :'(
  21. It's no that far fetched, people setup legit business to do stuff like that all the time. They likely have thousands of paying members, some of which could be fake, and have a means to transfer money to them internationally under the guise of a website. My point is just that we don't know why RLC exists, and what we think is bad business may actually be a great business tactic that fits their real objective.
  22. Voyeur war cam.... The shelling is picking up. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/jehadels http://www.livestation.com/reuters
  23. Live stream of Gaza shelling. Filmed from outside apartment window. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/12632661
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