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Everything posted by ed2

  1. If Hakeem is indeed moving, wich would actually be really sad in my opinion, with the state RLC is in now, but I rather hope they will replace him with a good new couple, instead of using it as another COV. Or keep it as a single apartment, with like a female version of Hakeem, that would maybe be my dream.
  2. Yes, it is these small moments here and there I enjoy. Kim is a girl that seems easy to make good friends with. She has spent alot of time with both Olya and Diane this stay. This is very nice! And I still love all of Diane's cute little quirks. But I am getting tired of all the laying and posing on their beds, being naked or topless 95% of the time. We saw how everything came to life when B5 visited. Playing in the garden every day.
  3. Kim has no breaking of the skin. Olya didn't remove her bandage, but the way she moves when she feels pain make me think more of a wrinkled ankle. Maybe they fell, or got pushed during the fight. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  4. As soon as B5 left the house, alot of the realism left with them. It's straight back to the usual. Both Diane and Ginger directly posing for the camera. I'm quite disapointed! Once upon a time this project was about the humans living there. Not just a mechanical preformance. ☹️😢
  5. I'm watching Olya limping around on one foot. She seems to be the one has the hardest injury of them all. When they shut off the stream, it was only the two boyfriends who were fighting with the maniac intruder. Olya and Kim must have been hurt later, after it was offline. I feel sorry for everyone who was hurt, and I wish them all well. 🙏🏻💓
  6. Did Diane leave with them? She was all dressed up with make-up and all.
  7. B5 said their goodbyes and left B4. Hopefully they will do this again soon. Getting to watch them together today was atleast a little bit of payback for all the emotions and reactions we were denied yesterday. A tiny one.
  8. This is real life! Thank you guys and girls! More gatherings like this in the future please! 👍🏻
  9. I hope B5 will stay in B4 for a few days. Maybe try to come back another time too. This place is pretty perfect for a mixed group like this, having big dinners together, chilling in the sunny garden, and party for days on. I have often thought B4 had suited better as a COV, or maybe a roommate apartment, if they could find a good group. The visit from B5 has added ALOT more realism to the house. I definiteltely wish for more gatherings like this. Hopefully it will not be interrupted by any more power outages, nor be intruded by a maniac next time. 🤞🏻😇🙏🏻
  10. I did. Where did you say you see your opponents point?
  11. Here we aren't even talking about the scary incident itself, we are talking about being allowed to watch them wake up the next day.... I admit I did get unreasonably frustrated about this. Maybe that's why I also get frustrated at you. But you always do this same thing, whenever someone criticise something, you jump into defence possiton, and start to lecture us why it has to be this way. This is an effictive way of getting people just more angry. Instead, you could say that you understand why some people don't like everything, and the whole argument had been over.
  12. I don't think you understood my point. Everyone wants to present their own opinion, but I don't claim that I'm that I'm the only one who knows common sense. It must be legitimate to want something. If I say I wish there was a camera on the terrace, for example, you could use logic and say that will never happen because there are already 39 cameras in this house, and the tenants would want a private space to smoke and talk. It doesn't change fact that some of us are wanting something, you just try to make your opponent sound less intelegent.
  13. LMAO!!! We all know you watched it, so yeah, it was just a pat on the cheek. Today they've all had an orgy!!
  14. You jump on everyone that criticise something. Today you defended the fact that RLC deleted this morning from Replay. We all know why it was and remained UM the whole day, but some of us had really wanted to see the girls' reactions and emotions. Do you understand that? By claiming you are only speaking common sense, you also reduce everyone else's view into something less rational. No, you should not accept the name-calling against you! But try yourself to respect that there are different views.
  15. You see why I sometimes call you arrogant? You always claim that your opinion is the only common sense.
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