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Everything posted by ed2

  1. I like the guys so far. They are sexually attractive, very social, likable and they appear to be trying to initiate interaction between different groups. So that is good!
  2. Thor and Samson should go out on the town and try to pick up some girls instead. These attempts in B4 are just a waste of time. Holly, Tweety and Lorraine were never even interested in them, atleast not sexually, that has been my impression since Thor and Samson's first visit. They are just bored and having alittle fun while passing time with them.
  3. Have you seen the future? Because I haven't seen anything yet. Not sure we will see anything either.
  4. Alessandro, the guitar man! Really great! 👏🏼
  5. It's interesting to observe the difference between the two relationships we have seen Dantez in. Gyana is head over heels in love with him. She hangs over him when he sits at the PC all night long. She uses every opportunity to stroak him and cuddle him. And she can't stop smiling when she looks at him. It's really beautiful! The relationship with Mirucawa had nothing of that. They had sex once in a while, but apart from that, they lived their lifes completely separately, even sitting in different rooms the little time they even were at home together. The difference is huge! But Dantez is the same though, not showing much affection either way.
  6. And an emoji for this apartment. 🪤
  7. I see they have added a ton of new emojis. A lot of new animals and vegetables, and a few tools and such as well. Not much new with faces and people though. Finally we have an emoji for good music. 😉 🪗
  8. Goodbye, Radislava! It has been a long journey together. Thank you for everything you shared with us! 👋🏼😢🥒🍅
  9. 👑 💖🌟MARLENE🌟💝 🎖️🏆🏅 🥇
  10. Definitely don't let it be another one and a half year til next time.
  11. Last time she did it on RLC was on the 4th of January in 2021. So it is well over a year ago. Almost one and a half.
  12. Well, that was abit disappointing. Just one quick round. No follow up in the morning. The guy already left. Hopefully we'll see more of this from now on.
  13. Finally, after staying in B4 for eternities, and not really doing a shit, she has now actually gone out and done something she should have done a long time ago. 👍🏼HOLLY👍🏼
  14. This was too small, Noldus. I'll do it properly! 🌟MARLENE!🌟
  15. Yeah, I'm not a fan of the moaning, sounds very fake and put-on in my opinion.
  16. My observation so far is that Matvei is a very different type of person than Sam was. I think he fits alot better with Eva too.
  17. I see @ddhm asked for me. Sorry, I haven't really been watching. Orgies are not exactly my thing, so I didn't follow the party last night, but I'll check this morning on Replay.
  18. 😍Amazing sex in full sunlight!😍 🌟Gyana🌟 She is extremely pretty, and she has beautiful personality! She is probably my favourite on RLC these days.
  19. Kind of paradoxically, but yes. While all the ridiculous shows she does are superficial, calculated and planned, she is also on the same time totally incapable of disguising her emotions, you can read her face like an open book, and it gives you a window deeper into her personality. Not many does that. Doing these calculated shows is usually mutually exclusive with sharing genuine parts of your inner emotional life. But not for Radislava. She manages to do both.
  20. I can't say I like very much anything of what Radislava does. Click-baiting and posing for the camera almost 24/7. It has nothing to do on a voyeur-site. However, Radislava is also an extremely strange and unique character, who shares alot of personality, and atleast for me, that weighs up for some of her bad sides. It makes her more interesting. And therefore, there are actually many tenants I would like to see sent home before Radislava. Whether we like her or not, it is a fact that she has contributed with quite abit.
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