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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Exactly! Gina also do the same stupid silly shows. She too do the same cam-posing. The difference is that Gina sometimes let herself go, sometimes she gets too drunk, or too horny, and does something nice, fun and intimate. She has some genuine and real moments inbetween all the shows. That's the reason why I love Gina! ❤️ Yeah, that, and my other reason.
  2. HURRAY!!!! The only sad part for me, is that it likely means that Gina is going to leave too. 😢
  3. So what is your point? Are you saying that RLC tenants should say yes to live in an apartment full off cameras, just because it's a cheap way to live, but then they should never get undressed in their own home, because that might involuentarily make them exposed in free internet-porn videos? I have seen several videos of former Barca-girls' showers on porn-sites too. I'm not saying that it is OK to spread RLC videos all over the internet and porn-sites, it is a reason we get banned for that, but we live in the 21st century, where the internet and file sharing happen to be a big thing. I think if they have said yes to live in an RLC apartment, they have also said yes to the huge risk of getting exposed out there. It should not effect their behaviour inside their own home. That's actually the core of the concept behind RLC!
  4. It looks like we will loose atleast 3 or 4 GREAT tenants in the next few days. I wonder who can fill their shoes... I also assume Pam might move to her friend in B1.
  5. I never hated Kamilla, she was a very beautyful, smiling and friendly person! I just hated the fact that she was taking up a bedroom at RLC, while she never brought anything of her reallife inside the apartment. That's all! Besides, you are the one who keep bringing her up all the times. Let us forget Kamilla, and move on. We now have 3 new beautyful and active tenants.
  6. Kelly and Ginger just went out. I loved Kelly's butt in that skintight grey sweatpants! ❤️
  7. Well, Kamilla continued to live in the apartment for 2 years after she pretty much "checked out", so I think we can safely continue to complain about her for around 2 years from the day Kamilla moved out of the apartment. That would make us about even.
  8. GOD DAMN ROSALIE! ❤️ That was unexpected! She has come a long way since she used to be a very shy guest. I have watched her as she has been opening up more and more in the bathroom since she became a tenant. And now an open bate on the couch! She is quickly becoming my favorite in R1! 💘
  9. OK. Here it is: https://replay.reallifecam.com/view/32_8?ts=1555808474&from=share CC creates these embedded windows by itself, I have to force it if I want it to remain as a link. And if that doesn't work, I can give you the time, it was 04:02.
  10. Taya ❤️ Taya is my kind of girl, so I love to watch this place whenever she visits. I was very sad when Taya&Will's apartment was taken off, and I've been hoping for Taya's return ever since then. When RLC have brought back Olivia&Nick, and taken in her sister, Ulyana&Marat, in their own apartments, I am of course happy to see them as well, don't get me wrong, but at the same time I have been abit dissapointed that it wasn't Taya that had gotten her own place. In the meantime, RLC have given apartments to less impressive couples, like Varvara&Fedor, and I'm very sorry to say, Yulia&Ivan. But no apartment for Taya! RLC have now also given an apartment to Asya&Arthem, a straight out mistake, as she clearly doesn't want to be there! Hell, RLC even kept Maya!! But they've found no place for Taya!
  11. Oops! RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording This is the 2nd visitor to piss herself in bed at this apartment, but atleast this one managed to stop herself, and did the rest in the bathtub.
  12. No idea. I haven't had the chance to look at Replay yet, though I doubt I'd get any clue from there either. But as I understand, there was no power failure, and the girls were asleep. in bed. Maybe some other connection issue.
  13. I kind of agree. These tease-shows, with no intention of ever going anywhere, is getting extremely tiresome. It's all OK if they are just hetrosexual friends that don't want to take it further, in fact I'd prefer if it stayed that way, just don't pretend, they don't need to do these tease-shows!
  14. Except that doesn't sound like voyeurism at all. I'm all for RLC opening apartments in different countries/timezones, and preferably creating some divercity in cultural and etnichal backgrounds, not only slavic people from eastern Europe..... But setting up work shifts would be totally against the whole concept of this site! We already have too much pre-planned primetime bullshit shows as it is!
  15. Goodbye Elvira! She has been a pretty memorable tenant, and I think she will be missed by very many of us.
  16. Has anyone actually seen Amy out of bed yet? It seems the only thing she does between sleeping, is going out!
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