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Everything posted by ed2

  1. I think both Sofie and Naomi should be kicked the hell out of there... But the saddest thing is that this shit actually seems to work, it get viewers. Just look at Masha-Sasha-Dasha too, and their bullshit. People buy it, can you believe it?
  2. I'd go with B&B, I especially love Blair's ass. But for the whole Barca-cast, it would be Jasmin or Blair for me.
  3. No. He left in his coat and a bottle of water, no luggage. https://replay.reallifecam.com/view/26_1?ts=1521650467&from=share
  4. Did Jessica ever fall down the stairs in B1? In my time I can remember Stella, Kylie and Helen falling the stairs in B1, but never Jessica? B4 seems more dangerous, alot more stairs, and more girls that can potentially get drunk, I guess it's just a matter of time before someone will fall in B4 too.
  5. I'm not sure I have the right date of arrival, nor if I've counted right, so please help me. Does Belle have 90 days on the 29th of March?
  6. Have I told you all that I like Tiana? So I'm likely not objective in any sence, but IMO, this is abit of a problem, when everyone else seemed to know each other outside RLC. Tiana has kept alot to herself, but when she has acyually tried to speak to them, they don't seem very interested, or when Tiana walks into the kitchen they don't really try to invite her to interaction, or act very welcoming at all.
  7. I think painting is very different from writing. You need a motive, something to go from, either a picture, an object, a model or a landscape. I think taking it only from imagine would be almost impossible. Unless it is more abstract art.
  8. IMO, this isn't only on Tiana, the others hasn't exactly been inviting towards her either, see Belle went to the kitchen just when Tiana left.
  9. I have a dream, that one day, Glasha will bate..... I just hope it will not takes as the struggle for civil rights for afroamericans
  10. I'm sorry Naga, I didn't get around to watch the bate untill just now. It was OK, if it were 4 months ago I would've said it was GREAT! FANTASTIC!!!! But when most people have lost the interest and enthusiasm over this place many months ago, it just feels more like alittle step in the right direction, not as great as it could've been, if we had had a closer relation and felt more attatched to the tenants. But independently this was a very good bate! THIS WAS GREAT KEEP IT UP ANGIE WE LOVE YOU (we've just been very frustrated for having to wait so long) AND WE HOPE THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING Also, the cam angles are actually very good in this apartment!
  12. Strange that D&R is still UM, it went UM 0723, both still in bed.
  13. I like her, after looking abit I kinda find her better looking now, than I thought at first glance, it is not the typical tight model body, but it is more natural, and that is what I love about RLC! I have liked some of the more quiet girls in the past. I don't really care if they aren't the most social a party-animal, or if they aren't naked 24/7. I like the more natural lightly dressed. I judge more by how comfortable with the cameras they are, that they can bate on cam, etc. or just act natural about it. I think she had an OK first shower, and she isn't afraid to pee on cam 3-14, so I think it's a pretty good start so far. I hope she will impress us
  14. I have mention that I thought she were very fun and spontanous on her first stay. When the glass is clean I the B4 bathroom is fairly good.
  15. I am 100% with you on that, And no BB, it must be allowed to have that view, without having to be compared to mr. box.
  16. Yes, I wrote my opinions on them too! Yes, I am predictable, because I write my true opinions. We just have very different opinions. We watch RLC for very different reasons. And no, I don't always have a go at Belle. It is right I don't fancy her like you, but I can say that Belle spread happiness around her, wich I like very much. She is very open, bating, showering, even using the toilet on cam (I love that ;D) I see both positive and negative in everything. If they free willingly are seeking to read these forums about RLC and themself, there are some things they need to tackle, and there are far more unreasonable things than my posts.
  17. There are more things I don't like so much about Belle. She has a big personallity, and takes much space. Abit childish. It was maybe fun and lively on her first stay, but now it is more irritating. (Sorry, just my view, feel free to have yours). A girl like Blair wouldn't normally be my taste either, very skinny, fake boobs, fake lips, but there were something in her behaviour and personallity that got me interested, and now I kinda just find her very cute.
  18. It's not supposed to be a camsite, nor a nudist colony either, though Belle would likely fit better with those concepts.
  19. OK, thanks! So it wasn't only me that had troubles with CC last night, I was going to write that Monica bated, I could access everything, just that the squere where you write on never appeared.
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