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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Well, it was 4 minutes of more like it should be, but the argument is still very valid, it has taken FAR TOO LONG to addapt, and they are still not nearly comfortable with the cams! Glasha looked into all the 3 cams after the sex, and she looked mortifyed, like: "What the hell have I done!".... So round 2 was back under covers again.
  2. Thank you Glasha That is more like it should be!!!!!!!! Not screwing us yet again! LOL, she looked into the cams afterward, she looked mortifyed, like: "What the hell have I done!"
  3. Whenever I watch them, they are eating, they both eat big meals, and it is good food not just salad, so no, I don't think she is pregnant.
  4. Way better than the twins though, hiding on the toilet for 30min. Having signed up to stay on a voyeur-site, I had hoped they would show more, and I still hope Leia will, but anyway, an under cover bate is still more natural than hiding completely off cam, wich is much more rediculous IMO.
  5. I think the twins have 90 days today...... maybe vmax6 heard right, they will stay till March.
  6. Like Luci always passes out drunk all the time, I hope to see her "do a Gina" in bed once.
  7. I usually like a girl much better when she's on her own, than during big staged shows.
  8. It is tarrots, some spiritual thing, trying to read the future.
  9. R2 have a guest, but WTF are they doing?????? Some spirit card game again??????
  10. I'm from Norway, here water can't be wasted, it is everywhere, it run in lakes and rivers, sometimes causes flods..... it even falls from the sky.
  11. She has bated on the living room couch many times, even with Raul asleep besides her.
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