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Everything posted by ed2

  1. A few topless squats and you are on your knees drooling? It really does make up for month of nothing??? 5 minutes of orchestrated tease, so now they can go out for 15 hours tonight again, then sleep the next 30 hours
  2. I was checking the forums to find out wich is the next shedualed to leave. Going by their pages, Angelina arrived on 29. of january and the twins on 30. of january. Can anyone verify this? If it is correct, it means they leave in about 2 weeks
  3. I've said exactly what you say here, earlier, when she did this script 3 times in 5 days. When even you see it, it must bee bad
  4. Sorry, you must bee a proffessor in english, or you do it just mock others. Well known suppression technique. You know very well that I ment teasing, as in fake action that will not lead anywhere
  5. I thought purpose of a forum like this was to discuss opinions and share different views. No need to bee mean. You people harass those who do not think exactly like you, like Mr. Bow or vortios. You know exactly what I ment. In my opinion, the problem with the current cast is that teasing and some stupid dancing is all they ever do, while they hide their personal life off cam. Only Angelina does anything somewhat intimate on cam, she masturbate, but all the rest is just teasing
  6. I agree. The situation has been very bad for a while, but it has only gotten worse. The current cast of Barcelona seem to bee all fake teasing, some stupid dancing and hide the real action off cam. I think RLC should cast some new girls (someone more similare to Nicole), not afraid od having sex on cam, bating almost every night, no fake teasing
  7. thank you for your nice post. You must bee such an intelectual person. We need more of this on these forums. You show so much kindness and respect towards members of other opinions. It was also very relevant to the topic!
  8. How much clearer can it bee???????????? Some other business is much more important than us. RLC must bee part of it, or else, why would they accept this?
  9. I think this is the closest we've had to a party (far from a good one, but still) in b2 since december (not counting the dance shows for those guys). Now they'll go out again. On Belle's last stay there were good parties several times a week. If they could start having more of the fun inside again
  10. The current cast of Barcelona seem to bee all fake teasing, some stupid dancing and hide the real action off cam. I think RLC should cast some new girls (not her, but someone more similare to Nicole), not afraid od having sex on cam, bating almost every night, no fake teasing
  11. Of course it is faked. How easily can people get fooled? After this they can continue to go out all night and sleep all day for another week or two without too much complaining
  12. As I said, it is bullshit. They had a massage 3 nights ago as well, then they were out for 17 hours, then slept for 30. It is a tease show to distract us from the fact that they are out all the time
  13. I refuse to watch the bullshit in b2 just now, some topless dancing for a few minutes to distract us from the fact that they will go out for 15 hours again. B2 is a lost case, doing some fake posing is just to mock us, after beeing out for 17 hours, then sleeping for 30
  14. B1 is at home naked a little more, but they are not much better, just a little. The twins hide in the downstairs bathroom to masturbate. I think it is almost certan. They sometimes spend 40 minutes in there. Last weekend, one twin was out, but the other twin was in bed giving a 3 hour tease show. I noticed, before that, she spent quite a while in the downstairs bathroom. I guess she was masturbating, and that is why she could tease for 3 hours without getting horny Teasing is all there is. Also, I'm getting sick of the fake dance shows
  15. We need completely new girls, not reruns or friends.Change all at once. We also need open girls, not teasers that hide their real life, like now, no one except Angelina masturbates on cam
  16. Belle and Rose were out from 17 till 11, Angelina from 23 till 15:30. It was as I though, 2 days ago b2 had a short massage session, b1 had a little party, but now they are back to going out all the time, maybee they thought we would forget, but it doesn't make up for anything, all we get to watch is girls coming home, sleeping, taking a shower (if lucky) and then preparing to go out again
  17. I agree! It is dead, and the few things happening on cam are not only just obviously fake, it is theatrical almost into beeing banal
  18. Now I've seen enough that I can say RLC have screwed up yet again! The girls are out most nights like 13 hours, then they sleep for the rest of the day. B2 is a dissaster! Rosemary and Belle cuntinue to bring this kind of guys, just like Irma (and Nora before her) did in b1 before. Then have these fucking stupid "parties". Is it to make us forget they were out for 13 hours? It is just stupid! P.S. I'd love the girls to bring in their lovers, like Nicole did, or like KK&H sometimes does, but this is nothing like that at all.
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