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Everything posted by balt2103

  1. 12:16, B1, Cam 9. Does anyone know what a device is, what Gina from the drawer brings? I've seen a couple of times that it connects it to a USB charger.
  2. Man wants to know why other people do something for him or do with im. He wants to know if the woman says I love you because she means it, or because is paid for it. He does not want to get anything that is not honestly meant. Because then he feels betrayed and lied. If I order reallife, I want to get reallife. Then I do not want to see a Belle, who thinks "The horny idiot does not notice anyway, if I play him something!". - No man likes to be deceived. For that insults his intelligence, his honor, and his dignity.
  3. Extract from the German newspaper "Zeit online" In Germany, a strict sex offense law will be applied, in which the principle "No is called No". This is intended to significantly strengthen the rights of the victims of sexual injuries. The Bundestag passed the law in Berlin in the second and third reading unanimously. This is not only a criminal offense, who forcibly enforces sex with force or violence. A sexual act is therefore also regarded as rape when the offender goes beyond the "discernible will" of the victim. In the future, the offense also exists when the victim expresses by words or gestures that he is not in agreement with the sexual acts. Auszug aus der Deutschen Zeitung "Zeit online" In Deutschland gilt künftig ein strenges Sexualstrafrecht, in dem das Prinzip "Nein heißt Nein" festgeschrieben ist. Damit sollen die Rechte der Opfer von Sexualdelikten erheblich gestärkt werden. Der Bundestag hat das Gesetz in Berlin in zweiter und dritter Lesung einstimmig beschlossen. Damit macht sich bald nicht nur strafbar, wer Sex mit Gewalt oder Gewaltandrohung erzwingt. Eine sexuelle Handlung wird demnach auch dann als Vergewaltigung gewertet, wenn sich der Täter über den "erkennbaren Willen" des Opfers hinwegsetzt. Der Straftatbestand liegt künftig auch dann vor, wenn das Opfer durch Worte oder Gesten zum Ausdruck bringt, dass es mit den sexuellen Handlungen nicht einverstanden ist.
  4. The fact is, if the girls had not been forced to stay in bed with physical violence, there would have been no sex!
  5. Yes! They have really waited outside, until the guy Vanessa informed and put on his pants! That's why I said in another post: That can not have been anything important! Look Replay!
  6. A girl is drunk in bed, and you're going to have sex with her. The girl does not want to, and pushes you away and wants to get up. You use your muscles to prevent her from running away, you grab the tits and pussy ..... and the girl can not do anything about it. Boy, I do not know the Czech laws, but you certainly have big problems in such a case!
  7. Belle and jasmine sunbathing on the balcony. Jasmine is far away, where most of the sun is, and Belle is wide-legged in front of the camera. You can see very nicely what the girls are: Jasmine is greedy for sun, and Belle greed for money (bonus).
  8. I would not reject the idea that the elderly woman was the landlady. She looked at the rooms closely to see if something was broken, and pressed switches to see if they were working. And she did not say a word during the entire time until RLC turned off. Perhaps she was taken with the Police to open the door if necessary. And: Boy opened the door, police stayed outside. He went to Vanessa, went back to the living room, put on his pants, and drank something. Police stayed outside. Only when the boy came back to the door, the police went into that house. If something big had happened, they would have gone directly.
  9. This is exactly why we will not see much of this apartment. So many classy people and alcohol. It'll crash! Vanessa alone will take care of that!
  10. What is she crying for? Because the guy took her as a piece of meat, or because she realized she's a sl.t ?
  11. When I see them I always have to think of the Bonobo enclosure in the zoo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonobo => 4.3 Sociosexual behaviour
  12. She has packed her luggage for hours. She talked with Polya and Lola about the destination of her trip. And: Since the offer was missing in the newsletter, I asked RLC! I think you are pulling our leg??? Prejudices!
  13. A body that receives as little food as Violettas can simply not provide the desired action here. He has to lie in bed long and often.
  14. Better we do not talk about whether the girls in our eyes are doing something wrong, we better talk about, who allows them to do so!
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