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Everything posted by balt2103

  1. Belle once said, she can only fuck in front of a camera, if she had magical water. What is in it, she said not. At Belle I could imagine, however, that a intelligent photographer with the placebo effect worked ........
  2. Illegal in public places. This walk to the stairwell is not a public place, so smoking there is legal. Thanks for the link!
  3. Surely I know nothing. I only see and draw logical conclusions. So when she drinks of the water and gets horny, then I can say: it's Magic Water. Not previously.
  4. I'm sorry, really ... I wish it was different (for Gina) But for me it's all plausible and makes sense. Why else would you bring your cigarette machine to the laundry room to make there cigarettes? That would be crazy! And: That the girls take drugs is also no secret! Ask around if you think i lie!
  5. Out with the Lighter (16:59 Cam 9) to smoke. The bottles she brought (15:20) with the other purchases, and put off at the entrance to take off her shoes. This is bad with full hands.
  6. Das können nur alte Bilder und Videos sein. Die haben da mal was geändert. Oder sie wurden veröffentlicht, als das Abo schon abgelaufen war. Dann können die natürlich nichts mehr sperren.
  7. That she often goes out with lighter and was previously in the laundryroom are for any verifiable facts. I do not know what to laugh at, but: I am glad to have made you laugh. Laughing is so healthy!
  8. Warum nicht trauen??? In allen RLC Wohnungen ist das so mit den Wasserzeichen. Nur VHTV und Camrads erlauben das posten von Fotos, ob VV das tut, weiss ich nicht.
  9. NO! I know the house (and also B2!) From other users! - Watch a while, she goes so often for 10 minutes out of the apartment door. And was previously in Laudryroom and / or took her lighter in the bedroom. Why does not she smoke on the balcony? (Last 17:00 to 17:11, with lighter from Handbag in Bedroom)
  10. Die Bilder aus den bezahlten Räumen sind mit Wasserzeichen versehen, die den User identifizieren, der die Videos gemacht hat. Und dessen Zugang wird dann von RLC gesperrt.
  11. If she does the stuff in normal cigarettes, yes that works. Do you know the house? This is quite unobtrusive!
  12. Bating in laundry room, and the cigarette after outside the apt??? My god, you know that my version is true! If you send a drug-hunting dog there, he's freaking out!
  13. One last: She definitely brought the cigarette machine to the laundry room yesterday. After a few minutes, she came back, get a lighter in her room and definitely left the apartment for about 10 minutes. Then she put the lighter back on the shelf in front of the mirror. And all this to conceal the fact that she smokes normal cigarettes? Whoever believes that, also believes in the santa claus!
  14. 10:19 - 10:22 Gina goes to the laundry room to prepare something with her silver cigarette machine, which she deposited there yesterday. 10:24 Gina gets dressed 10:27 - 10:43 Gina goes out of the apartment door to consume what she has preparedm in the laundry room. Because it is no more allowed on the balcony or in the apt. 10:43 Gina goes to the balcony, stares 5 minutes into the area and starts then chatting. So I have seen it. The same process as yesterday and even this early morning.
  15. Maybe Ukrainian girls only have power for 90 days. Then they fall into a sleep mode for the next two years. Like Lola and Polya. Both had been there for 90 days in last summer. Stella not, so she still had power the second time.
  16. You do not want to understand: Bringing the old back is no good. Not at Lola (the alpha-woman-haha), not at Polya, not at Jasmine, no Belle. New girls, well-casted, must come. Just like Gina. But not like Viloetta!
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