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Everything posted by Peanut_Brotha

  1. You're right there Ed. With the way things have been lately, I can't help but thinking the next evolution of RLC is going to be tokens you can purchase to tip with and a chatbox
  2. They should change the site name to mostlyreallifecam. The original concept of the "project" no longer applies to the Barca GOV apartments, which is sad IMO. That's a minority opinion though
  3. Why would she do that when she's obviously in a very loving and committed genuine relationship with her girlfriend every night at 10pm
  4. Are we pretending that Nica hasn't also spilled and knocked over her fair share of things?
  5. I thought we were talking about funny moments? We can make a separate list for the sexiest...
  6. There have been some pretty funny moments in the history of RLC, (all the fires, Helen's acrobatics, people falling off furniture, etc) but for my money, watching Violetta walk and attempt to get in and out of bed is pretty near to the top.
  7. Just want to take a second to appreciate the phrase "globules of fun". Bravo
  8. You're confused. That red thing by their pillows is a whip, not a feather duster
  9. If she keeps laying down it's possible. When she stands, gravity will take over and it'll drip out of her "dimples"
  10. You really should. I'll try to keep an eye out for other girls with great assets. I don't suppose you've seen Monica's yet, hers are pretty good
  11. I don't think Rita would appreciate you laying eyes on another woman especially one that was already spoken for I am prepared to make it clear for anyone who needs a little help "understanding"
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