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Everything posted by Peanut_Brotha

  1. It's so much more enjoyable to see girls just having fun than putting on clearly staged shows for views. Thank You Girls
  2. Nica loves playing with herself without actually bating. I feel like she's just doing what I would do all day if I suddenly woke up tomorrow with tits and a vagina. I can't blame her at all.
  3. Monica is an absolute Legend "The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be"
  4. I never really listen to the names they use, but as far as their listed names on the site, none of the tenants use their real names.
  5. Sorry, Naga. Maybe next time but probably not I know you like her (people in general, not you specifically Naga), but I just don't understand why everyone is always surprised after all this time of the same thing over and over.
  6. Rosie already had her turn with Monica, she needs to learn to share. Belle should get a spin
  7. Honestly, it's not the same. Blair and Belle have been friends for a long time before RLC. It's gotta be different coming into an environment where you already know someone, and by extension, their friends as well. Blair has only very recently come out of her shell. For her first brief stint, she only talked to Belle. This current stay, it was the same way. She stayed in bed all day and didn't interact with anyone else. The only difference was, she bated openly, so people gave her a pass. Sure, she's not a party girl, that we know of, but she isn't doing anything that other girls haven't done in the past. In fact, I'd say she's doing better than some others. She's not going out of her way to avoid the cameras, like Angelika, not so long ago. I appreciate that at least. She's barely scratching a week as a tenant. If a month goes by, and she still hasn't opened up more, I'll be on board with you.
  8. Rosie, Amina, and Nica would make an interesting Roommates apartment - Nil not included
  9. They're likely using a UPS for emergency power. The cams only last 10-15 minutes after a power outage, which is typical for a UPS. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uninterruptible_power_supply
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