I got rid of the current events. Because i was tired of seeing how racist and rude you are all being towards the african americans right now and what they are going through. You harass them because of their color and call them monkeys. To be honest it shames be to be a mod for such people like this and I was even thinking of leaving because i dont even want to be apart of a community where people think like that.
If anyone hasnt noticed,Admin brought back the chat item.
If anyone needs me or would like to talk to me I have turned my chat on,so go ahead and leave a message and i will reply :)
Then I guess anyone named not named adam and eve shouldnt get married. Obviously if you are still going by the bibles quotes you shall also obey the others,like stoning for rape and other things they mention? Do not quote one thing of the bible if you wont follow others,especially if you will be for a lesbian couple but not a gay couple.
I could probably find the torrents but i just enjoy watching it on tv cause bigger screen.
It was good though,all i can say is Draaaaaaaaaaaaaagons !!!!
Agreed squirrel,having 1 quote is okay but when its just pages and pages and pages of people quoting after quoting after quoting you just lose what you were talking about and everyone gets lost.
well if i did it would be a super rare sight :P cause it would have to be on a night when my roommate wasnt in and you couldnt hear all the traffic around me and i actually liked my looks.
I have always wondered what you guys have thought of us mods.
So I want anyone reading this to post what you first thought about Me,tbg,and squirrel.
and Dont worry the other 2 wont hurt you for this, I just want to see what you guys are going to say.
ps. dont be afraid to be mean,i have to be mean in my job i can take it.
Not really,I just moved not to mention I live with a roommate & my 2 dogs so that would be hectic also I wouldnt have anything to do on cam for you guys,so....sorry :P
I have decided that people are fighting too much and reporting too much when it comes to small topics. So I will now be talking to the other two mods Squirrel and Tbg before deleting a post,because im tired of removing thread after thread of people getting mad at others for saying something, and the other mods would agree too. So please if you have any comments about people talk them out in pm before yelling at me in emails about deleting them just for a different thought. If i see something like hate towards each other,racial/gender slurs or misusing information i will take the thread down immediately but other then that your guys petty small fights i will ignore and please do not continue to email me trying to get me to like you and delete for you,its really annoying.
-xoxo Mikaila aka Kitten.
8) So ive decided that im bored so tonight ill be holding a cam session,if anyone wants to join just go ahead and message me. i might even get nude who knows? it allllllll depends on how i feel
Im sure all you pervs would like that :p seeing a 20 yr old on cam nude hm hm?
April Fools.
(cause im too shy for cam)
I saw this while scrolling through facebook and i laughed cause at first i was like " that looks familiar" then i noticed it was rlc :p they used an rlc photo for some story about a guy accidentally rippin g a ladies vagina during sex