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Posts posted by nath75

  1. 22 minutes ago, letsdothis said:


    As long as you can hear the sound, either from your speakers or your
    headphones, and you set your screen-recording software to record
    from where you're hearing the sound, you should get sound recorded
    with your video. But, all recording software is different. Some give you
    more options than others for recording sound. Your best bet is to just
    play around with whichever one you use until you get the results you're
    looking for.

    TMR, as for the stereo mix setting, it sounds like you might be talking
    about a Windows setting, instead of a recording software setting, but
    I could be wrong about that. Let me know, if you would, please.

    Having said all that, it's my understanding, and @nath75 can correct
    me if I'm wrong, but Nath is not recording these videos himself. He
    gets them from other sites and posts them here for our viewing
    pleasure. So, he has no control over the audio. We get what he gets.
    Nath, please tell me if I'm wrong about that. Thanks.

    J'enregistre moi même avec mon matériel ( sauf rare fois).
    Mais je retravail et verifie video et audio pour la meilleur qualité et parfois petit effect de montages (toujours MP4: video AVC/h264, audio AAC-HE)
    DONC: si l'audio ne marche pas, c'est qu'il n'y en a pas. tout simplement.😋


    I record myself with my material (except rare times).
    But I rework and check video and audio for the best quality and sometimes small editing effects (always MP4: video AVC / h264, audio AAC-HE)
    SO: if the audio does not work, there is none. quite simply.😋

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