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Posts posted by nath75

  1. Many choices of hosts are proposed. But none satisfies everyone, or offers long therme accommodation, and everyone has the best solution for personal use.
    - Many people have benefited, and download my videos.
    - Many people can honor re-post queries..
    I can not work here full time only for re-up.😓
    It's a sharing forum, so shared.
    Good Fap 😁


    Beaucoup de choix d'hébergeurs sont proposé. Mais aucun ne satisfait tout le monde, ou propose d'hébergements à long therme, Et tous les monde a la meilleur solution pour sont utilisation personel.
    - Beaucoup de personne on bien profité, et télécharger mes vidéos.
    - Beaucoup de personne peuvent aussi honorer le requêtes de re-post.
    Je ne peux pas travailler ici à temps complet uniquement pour les ré-up.😓
    C’est un Forum de partage, donc partagé.
    Good Fap 😁

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  2. 5 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

    I certainly understand. You can't be expected to re-up everything you
    post. This is a situation we've lived with for quite some time, now,
    ever since RLC went bat-shit crazy about taking down everything that
    gets posted. Unfortunately, 72 hours is about the best we can expect,
    especially for videos. But, you're not required to re-up anything unless
    you choose to. I think the majority of us understand that. When
    someone makes a re-up request, it's just that, a request and nothing
    more. Don't feel like you have to re-up anything.

    Thank you for your tireless effort. You rock!!


    3 minutes ago, Stark46 said:


    if someone can reupload the videos again the link is no longer working

    test: life expectancy!
    tic tac tic tac...





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  3. 34 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

    Nath, mab.to is a good choice. They usually last a couple days, at least.


    33 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Mab.to  allows Video Files but they will only stay on that Server 72 Hours (3 Days) than they are Removed from their Servers.

    Using Zippy Share or SendVid and the Video will be lucky if it lasts 5 or 6 Hours most times.

    Impossible pour moi d'honorer toutes les demandes de ré-up sur des serveur qui conserve les fichier 72 H. 
    Trop de demande, et je ne peux pas rester ici à uploder "à temps complet".


    It's impossible for me to honor all re-up requests on servers that keep files only 72H .
    Too much demand, and I can not stay here at uploder "full time".

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