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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. Amy has the correct answer, cause she use plain old fashion common sense. Guns are not toys, must be very serious & of sound mind when you shoot them, most of my guns are in a very large gun safe.
  2. Amy you have a lot of knowledge about guns, I'm a big time gun collectors, i have guns from .22 LR to 50 BMG. Guns can be fun if you handle them with respect, but like anything else [cars, pool, women, & alcohol] you don't respect it & abuse it you can put some one life in danger
  3. That's just plain stupid, Layne could've accidentally shot her
  4. Ash i agree with you, it's amazing how the democrats blame guns
  5. Amy is correct again, Layne needs a gun safety class, and i hope he doesn't play with his gun when he's drunk or stoned
  6. There's better apartment to watch, than me wasting my time looking at Tim
  7. He plays the 3some game, that doesn't happened & he's closing the bedroom door so you can't see the bed from the free cam.
  8. Tim is playing games with us, so i stop viewing this apartment as well
  9. Amy has a logical mind, it's hard too disagree with her
  10. Can't answer a question if i haven't done the research ??
  11. What happens to a cat when you defang & declaw him, & you put him outside with the other cats ??
  12. Why DON'T democrats or socialist talk about babies being killed thur abortion ??
  13. Haven't done my research, but what can you tell me about abortion of hundreds of thousands babies ??
  14. I bet that more babies are murdered by abortion that school kids being shot by guns, you guys DON'T care about that, you don't care that babies are being murdered !!!
  15. That's like asking you why more women are raped in Germany than Israel ??
  16. Very few terrorists are American, with that type of thinking, when Cain killed Abel with a donkey jaw if all the donkey & horses would have been banned, the Romans wouldn't have killed millions of people & there wouldn't have been a men on mounted horse how many millions of lives could have been saved, better yet what about all the hundreds of thousands babies being murder thur abortions but i DON'T hear a word from you guys about that !!!
  17. Why can't the democrats admit that the problem is "EVIL PEOPLE" cause even if you ban guns, there will still be airplanes, trucks, & fertilizer, oh wait there are state that ban or outlaw guns, drugs, theft, murder, but it's still happening cause the "Evil People" DON'T give a shit about people or laws
  18. The terrorist used airplanes on 9-11 to murder 3,000 people, terrorist are using trucks to mow down people, fertilizer was used to destroy the ATF building. Yet you only hear talk about guns.
  19. Where did i post that America's freedom was threatened by vietnam, iraq, & afghanistan
  20. You don't think the taxpayers isn't getting fuck giving the illegals welfare & free schooling !!
  21. Even if we have to pay for the wall, we'll keep the illegals out, we already give them too much money in the form of welfare & free schooling
  22. The M E X I C A N government is paying for the wall !!!
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