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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. So you're saying that only America has poor people ?? Our poor live better than the poor of any other country !! Our poor has F R E E MEDICAL CELL PHONE INTERNET CABLE TV WELFARE and they DON'T have to work
  2. I understand that you couldn't feed or live without the government making all the decision for you, you see in AMERICA we have INDEPENDENCE, which gives us ambition to invest our money to make a better life for our children.
  3. Those gay guys could give Rockhead a prostate check
  4. I like the idea of spending my hard earn money the way i like, giving it to a socialist, communist government to spread the wealth as they want without any imput from the people. No Thanks i value my Freedom & live the AMERICAN way.
  5. You left out all the taxes you have to pay
  6. Amy you keep impressing me, you have knowledge in all the subjects we talk about, and most importantly you have common sense which isn't so common anymore.
  7. Jabbath as for Rockhead he should be throw into one of those gay apartments
  8. Groomy it works for me those girls bring a smile to my face.
  9. The girls from the compound have to be naked at all times !!!
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