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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. Ze81, I've read your post on this thread & you haven't said or done anything wrong.
  2. If you want a full auto weapon, you have to pay a $200 tax stamp
  3. That's not a lot of guns, when i go to the gun range i take more guns than that. Here in America we have gun collectors, target shooters, hunters, & most importantly we have guns for "SELF DEFENSE"
  4. Being an AMERICAN, having our "BILL of RIGHTS" gives us freedom no other country has !! While i DON'T understand how people can live under a Socialist or Communist country, i won't criticize your country
  5. Obviously you don't understand the problem isn't the gun. It's the evil persons shooting the gun !! If someone is going to kill & he can't get a gun, he's still going to kill !! Evil person will use a car, plane, hell even fertilizer will cause an explosion.
  6. Almost 50,000 people a year died from auto accident, are we going to ban automobiles ??
  7. Now the demon-crats will try to ban guns, they DON'T understand that a sick mind will use a car, bus, or plane to kill
  8. Amy hopefully VH gets the testicular & intestinal fortitude to kick these guys out & bring a fun couple into this house
  9. That's terrible, why do evil people go after innocent bystanders. These poor bystanders just want to relax & have fun. They were killed for no apparent reason.
  10. I haven't view this house in over 1.5 month, i refused to give them 1 second pf my viewing time !!
  11. What's not acceptable is all the people viewing this house, S T O P looking at this house & you'll see how quickly they'll be replaced !!!
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