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Everything posted by MajorVoyeur

  1. Considering how stained up that couch is, I guess we can appreciate her effort to minimize other types of fluids to add to it's DNA.
  2. This is going to be several long vids in the archives later. That's fine, it'll give me more material to peruse during the Thanksgiving Weekend.
  3. I can't keep them straight myself. I wonder if this is what the photo session was about yesterday with Nina? A chance to meat new people.
  4. Smoke Break revived her, but not sure he's able at the moment.
  5. Although she wasn't too shy to wash her ass on cam & dry it with their hand towel.
  6. I'll have to look through the archive later for the vids, but she looked to have tried really hard to enjoy herself. Too much alcohol (substance?) & cam freakout did put a damper on the last round. IMHO
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