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Everything posted by MajorVoyeur

  1. I think the clock is reasonable right. It's daylight outside of Misty's LR window.
  2. I think that he's actually getting tired for once. Just switched to missionary.
  3. I think he's lining up for another Hot Cream Buns Special.
  4. Gobble! Gobble! Tony is a lucky dude to get his Knob Polished @5:30am!
  5. Ok, but I can't follow the language. Needs subtitles & dramatic music when something happens.
  6. Lot of Drama. Should be a Reality Show instead of VoyeurTV. Wake me when it's over.
  7. Well that was a Quick Snack! Kitty Licked, but no Hot Dog.
  8. Meanwhile, back at Alex's apt someone is getting a knob job on the couch!
  9. Candy is Dandy, but Liquor is Quicker. Those Shots may lead to an interesting evening.
  10. While I always appreciate when someone shares a vid, that openload.co site is not very nice. It tried to install all sorts of junk & took a task mgr to shut down all the processes.
  11. I believe that mic351 has the right idea. Going to unplug for awhile myself & see what's happening in the Real World.
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