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Everything posted by MajorVoyeur

  1. Heck, it's gotten Nina so horny that's is working the boy wonder over again in the BR!
  2. Best open invitation I've ever seen!
  3. I think George is making Nina so horny! Poor Alan will be worn down to nothing if mgr stays any longer. 😎
  4. So George Strikes again. Serena should be purring like a kitten now.
  5. Hope he didn't dribble any on the Floor. Lisa would be mad!
  6. I love Squirters! Even if there's a mess afterwards. Something about making a gal gush is just awesome.
  7. Nina needs more now that she's heard Serena getting pounded good.
  8. I'm the first to admit when I'm wrong. George FINALLY did good deed and give Serena the relief (I Hope!) that she's needed since walking into this apt.
  9. Soaked that Couch. Glad I checked in before bedtime.
  10. Wow, I don't believe it! George finally closes the deal. With a nice spurt to the face & Thank you Ma'am.
  11. I gotta agree with mic351 & drop out of this for now. If there is anything beyond mole sex, I'll check it out on the Timeline tomorrow.
  12. Are you sure that it's not just Serena humping his leg while he's snoring?
  13. False alarm, all of them back now. However, still a dud dude.
  14. I've got nothing but that damn buffering circle on all Cams now. Did he flip a switch?
  15. I really beginning to doubt this man's Testosterone levels.
  16. Magic 8 Ball shake again & asked if poor Serena will get plowed this evening by George...
  17. Poor Serena, always the bridesmaid & such. At least he's now teasing her with his fingers. And he stopped.
  18. Let me check the Magic 8 Ball to see if the Manager will pound Serena into the couch this morn...
  19. I'm not sure they would resort to such transparent tricks for viewers.
  20. Oh most likely you're right. Just adding my own commentary for comical relief from this sad moment when a man ignores a beautiful buxom gal.
  21. Now would be the time when knowing Russian would be nice.
  22. Wonder if she whispered to Serena that she hopes that she gets pounded as good as Nina got?
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