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Everything posted by Fairy

  1. Bonsoir Tiviaccro. Comme tu es nouveau, soit le bienvenu.
  2. bonsoir Lucas. Je te sollicite à nouveau. Sait tu comment on fait pour poster des photos (capture d'écran).s'il te plait, merci.


  3. ha ha ha, exactly Emmet, this girl is really weird; she does only that: naked, dressed, naked, dressed ......
  4. they became ridiculous. The first step you say ??? yesterday, the guest and sasha washed each other; the guest had her face 5 cm from the sex of saha (he was standing, and she kneeling) and finally he does not pass anything. What game they play. They had every opportunity to do a part a 3. In fact they laugh at us. There are now ridiculous I find, trapped in their own ambiguous game.
  5. Do not worry, you did not miss anything. They simply discussed drinking wine and smoking their electronic cigarettes. No sex (last night and during the night either they were watching the tv)
  6. I would say to regret .......: not really ... sorry for her if she reads me
  7. yes I have already seen it completely naked
  8. And the guest topless on their bed ... ??? what it takes him to be bare breasts without reasons. Why to leave her pc to go alone in the room topless. What is she waiting for?
  9. ok golfer06, thank you. But it was when (I'm only there for 1 month)
  10. # 28 refers to the 28 men with whom misty to sleep. But, from when did you start counting ???
  11. then, in the same position as the second picture, she made several kisses on her arm, and then she kissed him lovingly on the cheek. Then she went to look for alan?
  12. Nothing sexual happened. And yet, it was the right time ....... But, they stopped the massage and the guest got dressed.
  13. But it's awful to do that to someone !!!!!!!!!! Nina is cruel with alan. She is lesbianise with serena and he hears everything !!!! He's going to be traumatized all his life. What a horror! It's wicked to do that. Why does Nina do this to alan ??? I am extremely shocked !!!
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