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Everything posted by badboylovesgirls

  1. I guess I missed some of what happened in B5 last night between Karol & Tata.
  2. We need to take into account that Cecilia is not a paid RLC's participant so I don't blame her that she stopped being intimate with Radislava on cams. I still believe that there is some sort of relationship between Radislava & Cecilia.
  3. I am glad that Tata visited B1 and went out with Karol & Marlene today. As I posted few days ago that Tata would get along well with the girls in B1. It was a good move on Karol's part to visit B5 last night and had a chance to know Tata more. Karol is really a friendly person.
  4. If you allow me to respond. Ginger, Claire & Kylie are good friends for a number of years before joining RLC.
  5. If you allow me to say it is Middle Eastern belly dancing especially the Raqs Baladi was invented by the Egyptians more than a hundred years ago.
  6. I don't know what to say other than I hope that they will wake up and start making good decisions (it is not too late) and move Tata to B1.
  7. Thanks, I would think that Bogdan has more authority than Fior (if Fiora has any) because Bogdan has been with RLC for many years. It also makes sense that Bogdan would have authority because as people say he is on the ground (Barcelona).
  8. I saw Tata talking on the phone early today and crying and I felt bad. It seems that she is not happy and crying lately. I really don't understand whoever made this STUPID decision (like other stupid decisions lately) to put a single girl with a couple in an apartment. I guess this person is the same person who spends SEVERAL hours a day turning the free cams on and off in various apartments for the last month or so. I am sure this PERSON sees and knows that Tata is not happy in B5 environment in addition to all of her worries about her family and loved ones back in Ukraine which I totally understand. This person needs to move Tata to B1 (after talking to her) so she can be with these nice girls in B1 after Karol leaves. I also don't know what role Bogdan plays or what authority he has with RLC but from my observations that the girls talk to him sometimes one on one so that I assume he has some type of authority.
  9. My observation is that there was a guy with Cleopatra waiting outside and I think that is why Beatrice didn't let him in at 4 in the morning.
  10. I was just trying to make little fun of RLC and the way they are acting especially with Fiora & Harley since they left B1.
  11. I guess that RLC will respond to your nice email as follows: Thank you for contacting us 🙂 but unfortunately we don't have any plans for the next 2 or 3 years to open any new apartments 😠 because we are cheap and there is no way we will spend any more money (because we just purchased RLC and we spent tons of money). P.S. My last statement in brackets is my theory that there are new owners of RLC since September or October of last year.
  12. Unfortunately and sadly, there are already hundreds of deaths among the members of the Russian army as a result of the war in Ukraine.
  13. After the tonight's drama at B4 and it has 8 girls now, we can call B4 "Villa of the cat fights".
  14. I saw that Tweety & Holly gave some money to Kylie so she can go back to B5. I think I know now why she was so mad because she doesn't have money to go back to B5.
  15. I think Rus is on his way back to B4 to pick up Kylie who he forgot lol. I really can't wait to see what will happen when he arrives at B4 🤭
  16. It is funny that Rus left Kylie behind in B4 and went back to B5 by himself lol I was wondering why Kylie was so mad and screaming. I guess Rus will have a very bad night tonight lol
  17. Anyone can correct if I am wrong. It seems that there is something between Radislava & Tweety. They are not talking and ignoring each other. Is that the case ? or am I wrong with my observations ?
  18. B2 girls just showed up so I guess Marlene meant the B1 sisters only.
  19. Marlene just told the two guys that her friends (who are B1 & B2 girls) already are at a bar which Tata, Marlene and the two guys also are going to. So it is not expected that the B1 sisters or B2 girls will show up soon in the apartments.
  20. Because of Fior's birthday today, I was hoping to see some of the girls including who already left B4 give a nice massage to Fior 😉 🙂
  21. It is nice of Marlene that she is trying to introduce Tata to a guy who I assume he is the friend of the guy who spent the night with Marlene at B1.
  22. I partially agree with you but if millions of people protest and the top generals of the Russian military and the ministry of interior get together against Putin, He won't find any one to give his orders to and he will be a president with no power. But the sad problem in Russia for many years that Putin, the top generals, government officials and the oligarchs rubbing tens of billions of dollars from the Russian economy and keeping them to themselves so they are benefiting form that and they never go against Putin.
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