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Everything posted by badboylovesgirls

  1. I read few posts about Daniela's departure and it was postponed twice in the last two weeks till this coming weekend. So that means she changed her flight twice and paid penalties to the airline and I don't think of any important reason for her to change the flight other than she tested positive for Covid (assuming the test requirement is still there for flying) but she looks fine to me and she was healthy and very active in the B4 party So, I don't understand why she changed her departure date twice and I believe that she didn't have any plans to leave any time in the last two weeks and whenever she is leaving is her original and only planned date of departure.
  2. That is correct but I meant that Fior and Daniela knows each other since November and I am sure the age topic came up earlier so she didn't need to ask him recently as mentioned in other posts.
  3. Also, Fior had little adventure with Daniela and spent the night with her when she was staying in Olivia & Ulyana's room in November so I guess Daniela already knows how old he is and didn't need to ask him.
  4. Fior can't be 50 years old. I think he is in his early 30's same age as Bogdan.
  5. Thx DD for replying to my post. I believe that the tension between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for a number of years since Russia took control of Crimea in 2014 and not just lately for the last few months or so. Only time will tell if there will be invasion of Ukraine by Putin or not. I guess no one is sure including Putin himself because he was planning to invade but he started to reconsider his decision when he saw the reactions from other countries.
  6. Thanks for the information. But I am not sure if Radislava is from Ukraine because what I understand is that she left with her family from her home country many years ago and moved to Europe. This makes my information correct to great extent that she is from a small country that used to be part of the former Soviet Union.
  7. I will try to answer your question to the best of my knowledge. Karol, Olivia, Ulyana, Fiora, Harley, Kylie & Rus, Tata, Kristy and Alana are from Russia. Holly, Daniela are from Ukraine and I am not sure about the new four girls in B1 & B2. Radislava and Loraine are not from either Russia or Ukraine but they are from independent countries that used to be part of the former Soviet Union and I am not sure which ones. You raised a good point that I have been thinking of lately which is how some girls from Russia and Ukraine are getting along well especially if they live in the same apartment. I also contribute the reason that some of the girls who don't participate in social gatherings or birthday parties to that some girls are from Russia and the others from Ukraine. Also, which language they use to communicate with each other ? I would like to read the posts from the members on here especially the people know either Russian or Ukrainian Language about the language of communication..
  8. I think the B4 girls will corrupt Svetiana and make her drink every night with them and stay up all night and she won't be able to do her day job as before.
  9. Glad that you had good time with the family. Happy Birthday. 😄
  10. If Svetiana joins the girls in the Jacuzzi, I am sure the Jacuzzi will flood 😉 and RLC will have to close the master bedroom again for another renovation 😊
  11. It seems that Fior brought good news to Daniela and the girls hugged her and congratulated her. Maybe RLC agreed for Daniela to stay longer ? 🤔
  12. Me too, I wouldn't mind if Tweety comes back because she is a nice and fun girl. I think Holly made a very good choice in choosing Tweety as her very good friend.
  13. I am not sure if your post involves sarcasm or not (it has emoj) but I wish you Happy Birthday Naga.
  14. Personally, I liked Holly and Tweety sharing the master bedroom. If Tweety rejoins RLC and some occasions arise and need privacy, I guess the other girl can sleep with any of the B4 girls or take the couch. My opinion that I expressed in a previous post is that Holly has better chances to keep the master bedroom as long as she is staying in B4 if Tweety rejoins RLC.
  15. If you allow me to correct your comment 🤨 The former B1 girls (Olivia, Ulyana, Harley & Fiora) were kicked out because of the noise and they rejoined RLC because RLC realized that they punished themselves 😕 not the girls. I am not sure what happened with Tweety but I guess she can rejoin RLC.
  16. I got your sarcasm and that is why I added emoji in my post😇
  17. It could happen especially if Daniela wants to score big in the last few days before she leaves.
  18. I see that one of the positive things that started to happen from adding two new girls in B1 and another two in B2 and Tata in B5 is that Leora will lose her top cams ranking for a while because many subscribers will focus on the new girls and already started today. Also opening a new apartment with former B1 girls (as talked about on here) will help with Leora losing her top cams ranking.
  19. It will be very interesting if Holly, Olivia and Ulyana invite Masha and Alessandro to Barceeona and B4 for few days.
  20. Tata is already in B5. I guess the only reason for RLC to move her to B4 is if another couple will arrive at B5. But for Ginger, very few RLC's girls can top what Ginger did or can do.
  21. I know what you mean. I remember now that I saw the same pictures that you are talking about , Ginger, Kylie and Claire. Ginger looked totally different person for the better and she is very good friend with Claire.
  22. You mean Tweety ? I am not sure if you have seen Ginger in her last visit.
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