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Everything posted by badboylovesgirls

  1. I guess Svetiana can play this role which she did a couple of months ago. 😉
  2. I like to know how long it will last this good friendship between Kylie, Rus & Di before any major change. I guess the same happened in the first weeks of Tata's stay in B5 and the rest is history as we saw. Maybe Kylie was jealous of Tata and she was concerned about something serious will develop between Rus & Tata. We will have to wait and see.
  3. Is it possible that some of former participants of RLC who are currently in Barcelona such as Daniela, Pam or Nana will be the occupants of some of the vacant rooms of B4 ?
  4. I don't understand so I gas to translate your reply to my comment. My understanding is that all RLC apartments are rented (B1, B2, B5,....) except for the B4 villa which is owned by RLC. My guess is that the value of this villa is about one million Euros or so. So if RLC wants to open new apartments in Barcelona, it will probably be rented apartments. That shows you how RLC is not even willing to pay a monthly rent and utilities in order to open a new apartment in Barcelona.
  5. I posted my opinion few times in the past relating to the subject of opening new apartments in Barcelona. RLC has not opened any new apartments in Barcelona since the closing of the Russian apartments in 2019. If they wanted to do that, they could have done it awhile ago. Under my own theory that there is a new ownership of RLC since October or November of last year, they probably paid big money to acquire RLC and all its assets. I guess that they are not willing to spend more money to open any new Barcelona apartments given that Barcelona is an expensive city. In the next few weeks, we will know if any of the 5 girls will reappear on RLC or not or in general a B7 will come online or not. This will prove me correct or wrong.
  6. I have a conclusion or speculation after I saw the announcement of the 4 girls of B4 left RLC. First, it is very bad for RLC that 5 girls left within 24 hours. Second, the 4 girls might finally have found an apartment that they have been looking for in awhile so they moved to this apartment to continue studying in Barcelona away from RLC. There is a possibility that Fiora moved in with her boyfriend and the other 3 girls moved to that apartment. Or this apartment belongs to RLC and will be B7 but I don't see any reason why it is taking RLC 5 or 6 months to find an apartment and install the cameras and the equipment. If none of these 5 girls reappear on RLC in the next few weeks, this will confirm to me that there is no villa/apartment coming online soon. More importantly is that RLC has NO INTENTION or PLAN to add any new apartments in Barcelona. On another note, I would like to say to Noldus that the time is not too late for him to establish communications with Svtiana 🤔 so he can get more reliable information about the Barcelona girls because I think some of his information lately not accurate.
  7. Bogdan works for RLC so RLC for sure pays for the stuff not Bogdan.
  8. I believe that every active participant of RLC has a premium access to all RLC apartments.
  9. I agree with some parts of the post. Regarding moving pieces of the furniture and a heater to her room, I don't agree with the comments because I think the heater in her room was not working and she didn't have enough furniture in her room which I don't blame her for that. The solution is in RLC's hands as I said before. RLC should stop being CHEAP and buy enough furniture and other things that the girls might need. I remember that Bogdan bought late last year some small tables for B4.
  10. It is really sad that Radislava left RLC. It is sad too that she didn't have a farewell party after almost a year and half from B1 to B4. Many girls who stayed for much shorter times had farewell parties and the person who is responsible for the last month's drama at B4 (Loraine) is still there. I remember that RLC gave Irma Apple notebook on her anniversary with RLC. Gina went out and bought it for her. I guess the new owners don't appreciate or recognize the girls' participation.
  11. I won't be shocked or surprised if that is what really happened.
  12. I guess Fiora wants to enjoy her last day in B4 around the pool 😄 It is safe to say that the new place doesn't have a pool. My theory is the new place is two separate apartments because it will be stupid on RLC's part to put all moving B4 girls in one place especially if Radislava will stay with RLC. The B4 drama will continue in the new place if it is just one apartment.
  13. I would assume that the new place is newer than the villa because RLC is moving the veteran girls to it. As RLC normally gives the bigger rooms to the girls who have been on RLC before.
  14. The only person who will suffer from the girls' move from B4 is Svatiana. I am sure she will have a lot of cleaning work to do for a few days. Poor Svatiana, she should get overtime or a BONUS money 😄 🤔
  15. How about another scenario. Harley or Fiora will take Radi's room after she leaves. Olivia, Ulyana and Radi will either leave RLC or move to a new apartment.
  16. I was actually wondering. I guess we will know more over this weekend. For Olivia & Ulyana, they have been sharing the same room since they first joined RLC, in B1 (master bedroom), B2 (master bedroom) and B4 (the penthouse)
  17. From the packing that is going on today, is it possible that Olivia & Ulyana will move to Radi's room and Cecilia will become officially a tenant and move with Radi to Olivia & Ulyana's room ?
  18. If Radi is really leaving RLC and not moving to another apartment. It really confirms to me that the people running RLC are INCOMPETENT. This is the second girl within a month after Tata that RLC didn't do anything about it to make the tenant happy and comfortable in the apartment where they live. The important question now is: will the B4 girls and the other girls do a farewell party for Radi or not ??? If she is really leaving, I think she deserves a party after almost a year and half.
  19. That explains why Esmi went to B2 to spend the night there. On another note, I like Esmi and Karol. I think they are two of the great tenants for awhile.
  20. I guess you won't see Marlene with a guy in B1 especially the Albanian guy for another week or so 🤔
  21. Thx DD, my theory seems reasonable and explains why Holly and Loraine got closer to each other and became friends. I guess as people say that they have something in common which Loraine went through a similar experience too after she and Anthony broke up.
  22. I read a number of posts about Holly and going down the memory lanes to early last year and that made me to post this comment. My theory about Holly's participation this time is that Holly met a a decent guy after she left RLC in May 2021 and I guess that she was living with him. The same guy who visited B5 last year before she rejoined RLC. I think he is a professional photographer and he travels for his business. I believe that she had strong feelings for him but she decided to rejoin RLC in November while he was away on business. I think the guy didn't want her to rejoin RLC and he broke up with her after he came back to Barcelona. This explains why Holly cried a lot right after she moved to B4 with Tweety and she was sad for few months. Maybe some people on here will or will not agree with me.
  23. It is my understanding too that Olivia and Ulyana are not sisters because they were very intimate a number of times when they lived with Fiora and Mimi in B2. However, many people on here tried to prove to me that my understanding is wrong and said that they are sisters !!!
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