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Everything posted by badboylovesgirls

  1. If your comment was a response to my previous comment. I am glad to let you know that I don't like tomatoes 😒
  2. Sorry Noldus, this didn't answer my questions. Do you understand Russian or Ukrainian Language ? or you know someone close to you who understands either language ? Also, it will be great to tell us who are Ukrainians and who are Russians from the current participants which will be good information for all of us on here.
  3. OK Noldus, I thought Karol and Leia are from Russia. I know that you have a lot of knowledge about the participants of RLC throughout the years. Do you know who are Russians and who are Ukrainians from the current participants ? This leads me to say something has been on mind for while and if you can allow me to ask. Do you know Russian or Ukrainian language ?
  4. If Leia & Maksim are leaving soon, I will expect that Kylie & Russ will move to their room. For the replacement of Leia & Maksim, I would suggest Carlos & Claire especially Claire & Kylie are good friends for years and B5 team will be a good team. But sadly, Carlos & Claire just joined VHTV recently so I guess there is a small chance for Carlos & Claire to rejoin RLC in the future.
  5. Carlos and Claire are in Poland now from their one of the conversations that I heard very recently.
  6. You are making me curious to know what the potential new owners of RLC (if any) are trying to hide by registering in Cyprus 🤔 🤔. RLC's business is against the local laws in Russia and Ukraine but it is not against the laws in Europe. Hmmm I will try to think about that and I will let you know. 😉
  7. Yes you are right ddhm. Claire has polish citizenship (part of the EU) and I am not sure how she became a polish citizen. She is originally from Russia and Claire & Carlos are currently participants on VHTV.
  8. I know that Claire are a good friend of Kylie & Russ for years but they might be related, I don't know.
  9. The only thing that I know about Cyprus is that all international companies registered in Cyprus don't have to pay taxes. 🤔but I am sure you know much more because it is your next door neighbour 😉 I look forward to the results of your online research on RLC and keep us informed.
  10. I think one of the traditions of celebrating Christmas for Russians (January 7) is to keep Christmas trees up until the end of January. I guess the Christmas trees will be gone in all apartments by end of the month.
  11. I think the explanation for the decisions made by RLC recently (nonsense decisions) makes my following theory more credible. The theory is that there are new owners and management of RLC in the last few months and the new owners don't know a lot about all previous participants (who can increase subscriptions and who can't). I guess RLC like many other businesses went through rough time during the pandemic and the new owners are still trying to navigate how to run RLC and figure things out. I read a comment on here that RLC changed the office address to Cyprus which might explain the change of ownership.
  12. I agree with you ddhm that Olivia & Ulyana might be staying in their room as some sort of protest and I support them. I know that Olivia & Ulyana are outgoing girls and like to party but I can understand that they don't want to participate to help RLC to make money as long as RLC can't make them happy and put the 4 girls in one apartment.
  13. I think what happened in the last few days that Radislava brought her friend to the villa confirms to a certain degree my theory which I posted awhile ago. My theory was that Radislva is a lesbian and she was hesitating to do anything real with a girl on cams. All what she did in the past was for shows and not real. My guess is Radislava knows this girl for awhile and they probably discussed that the friend would visit Radislava at B4 and this might develop to a serious relationship. On the other side, this might be some sort of audition on the friend's part for a potential tenant in the near future. I guess time will confirm one of these theories or none of them.
  14. I agree with you but my understanding from the comments on here that Loraine who is the one who broke up with Anthony. So she shouldn't have broken up with him as she has all these feelings for him. I believe that Anthony was treating Loraine very nicely but Loraine didn't reciprocate and allow me to say that I think that Loraine doesn't have real emotions or passion towards any guy in her life.
  15. I guess the current situation that they are both in at B6 is stressing them to a certain degree.
  16. Yes, they could but the best option is that they move to another apartment because B6 is not at the same level as the other Barcelona apartments.
  17. I guess they can't share the bedroom because each one of them has a boyfriend.
  18. I want to make a comment on the argument between Fiora and Harley that happened earlier . I think that Harley is not happy with her situation in B6 occupying the couch for a month now and maybe she doesn't even know for how long more she will be in this situation. That might be affecting her behaviour and not being very motivated. I believe her behaviour was different when she was at B1. To be fair, Ulyana & Olivia spent a day or so at B6. They should have helped with the cleaning of the dishes as a courtesy because they used the dishes too. My conclusion is that RLC should stop being cheap and close B6 and find a better apartment (possibly to be B7 🤔) so the 4 girls can reunite again. The current arrangement is not working at all and it is NOT fair to Harley.
  19. Exactly, I don't know RLC's way of thinking these days. They rushed Anna, Lola and Mila out of the door last week and brought Kristy and Alana and two rooms in B2 are still vacant. I saw Anna at B5 in the morning and she went out with Leia. That means Anna and probably Lola are still in Barcelona. The level of boredom at B2 now is worse than its level with the previous participants except for the times the two bearded guys were at B2.
  20. Thanks for the explanation. I am sure RLC already told the girls what maximum monthly rent RLC can pay. Otherwise, these girls will choose a fancy apartments with € 5,000 or € 6,000 monthly rent 😆 and at that time RLC will really get mad 😡 at the girls not when they made loud noises 😛
  21. So that means they will leave RLC ? Because if the girls will stay on RLC, RLC is supposed to look for an apartment not the girls.
  22. I think Carlos & Claire have been in Italy since they left B5 last year. Their time zone is the same as Masha's
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