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Everything posted by badboylovesgirls

  1. If Holly & Tweety are stuck in Dubai at a hotel for isolation because one of them tested positive, these girls can't afford to pay for this hotel even if it is a modest hotel from the money they earn from RLC. The hotels in Dubai are expensive. I think the government of Dubai pays for the hotel rooms where the people are staying for isolation to protect the local people from infections like it was done in New Zealand last year but of course Dubai has a lot more money than New Zealand.
  2. I didn't understand why Pam spent last night (Christmas Eve) by herself in Nana's room when the twins, Nana & Karol went to B5. Pam could have gone to B4 to spend the Christmas Eve with her friends Amalia & Daniela. They made nice dinner last night.
  3. Merry Christmas to all people on CC.
  4. If they are going to Rome for the Christmas and New Year, they will travel with small bags. A question just came to my mind which is Holly has been in Barcelona for more than a year (since September 2020), does she have a valid visa ?
  5. It is weird that Holly & Tweety are packing after a short stay in the master bedroom. Maybe RLC wants to fix the new leaks in the bathroom and that is why Holly & Tweety will move temporarily ??
  6. I can see that Kylie & Rus (former Prague participants) just arrived at B5. There was a flight arrived in Barcelona around 11PM coming from Budapest and that can tell us that RLC's Russian participants can't fly directly from Russia to Spain. I read some comments on here about Maksim & Leia and their relationship. In my own opinion, Leia is very nice girl and she seems that she loves Maksim. I think Maksim joined RLC at Leia's request and I guess he didn't want to do it to be in front of cams 24/7 but he did it for Leia and this explains his behaviour and he is not motivated to do stuff. Again, this is my own opinion and my observation of this couple. I hope there will be no tension between Maksim & Leia because of the presence of Kylie & Rus. Based on Maksim's interactions, he likes to interact with other Barcelona girls and Kylie will be living in the apartment not just a quick visit. Time will tell us more about that.
  7. Timur could have slept on the couch and let Holly & Tereza sleep in the bed. It is not clear to me the reason for Holly spending the night at B5 with Timur & Tereza.
  8. If this is true, so Amalia & Pam wouldn't have a problem flying to Barcelona. There were two flights from Ukraine around 12PM and 1PM today. That is a long time for them to take to arrive at b4 in the evening. My assumption is that they traveled by bus or train to save money especially if they are not sure they will be participants this time as it happened with Amira.
  9. If this information is correct so that means Amalia, Pam and Vivian are Ukrainians too because they are friends from back home and I am not sure about that but you might be correct.
  10. Amalia & Pam are very good friends from back home. In my previous post, I meant that Amalia will share the room with Loraine which she did because they are good friends but Pam is not close to Loraine as Amalia is.
  11. My understanding if it is correct that Holly, Tweety & Megan from Ukraine and I am not sure if there are more girls from the current participants are Ukrainians too.
  12. I am not sure about Portugal but my guess is it has something to do with Russia especially the girls who arrived today their president is thinking to invade Ukraine 😟 😕
  13. I heard Karol last week in B1 telling Nana's guy that girls from Russia can fly to Budapest, Hungary first with no issues and they can take another flight to Barcelona but there was no flights coming from Budapest today. Girls coming from Ukraine don't have this issue. So, you are correct Noldus but I think it is not related to the coronavirus restrictions but it is related to the relations with Russia. I guess the girls are saving money and they come to Barcelona by bus or train as Buffy did especially if RLC doesn't reimburse the girls for their airline tickets anymore.
  14. I want to add to my previous post. I might be wrong but it seemed that there was no flight arrived in Barcelona around the time Amalia & Pam showed up in B4. So, that means they traveled by a bus or a train ? This brings me to ask this question. My understanding is that RLC in the past used to pay for the girls airline tickets but are they still paying for the tickets ? I don't think RLC would pay for Amira's ticket to show up for a week as a guest. Does that mean Amalia & Pam would pay for their tickets too ?
  15. I agree with you DD and as I made a comment on here when Amira showed up that RLC's new hiring strategy for former participants to be as guests for few days (doing an audition) so RLC can know people's feedback (I guess from here on CC.) before they add their names to RLC's list. We saw that with Loraine & Amira and now with Amalia & Pam and nobody knows who will be the next girls (former participants) coming in the next few weeks. This tells me that RLC is not in a great situation and they want to play it safe and make as much money as they can with the cast they have so they can stay afloat. One of the signs is that they locked all free cams for the last month or so.
  16. It is not clear to me how Holly met Timur & Tereza. Does anyone know if Holly knew Tereza from previous stays at RLC ? It seems little odd to me that Holly spends the night with Timur & Tereza in the same bed. They didn't have enough time in this stay to know each other well.
  17. My suggestion to the twins and Nana to go home and spend their January 7 Xmas with their families.
  18. I guess these are strange developments on RLC for the last couple of weeks with the reappearance of Amalia and Pam. Are they going to stay for few days as Amira did ? or they will rejoin RLC ? Amalia will probably share the room with Loraine because they are good friends from the last visit and Pam will share the room with Daniela. I think it remains to be seen if these two will be participants by end of December or early January. If they rejoin RLC in the next few days, B4 will have the highest number of girls at the same time (9 girls) since the opening of B4.
  19. I meant with my comment the current GOV girls not all RLC in general.
  20. I like Fiora from her previous visit and I think she is bisexual. I guess Fiora & Harley are staying in this apartment temporarily and they will move once some of the girls in B1 or B2 will leave because they were planning to stay for awhile this time (B1 was part of Roommates/Singles group with Leora & Masha). The only thing that I don't see any signs of is the former B1 girls came to study as people said on here. I didn't see any of them studying so far unless I missed something. The only girls who are actually studying are Holly & Tweety.
  21. I know that most people in Russia, Former Yugoslavia (Serbia), Ukraine, some countries south of the Mediterranean Sea and the Middle East celebrate Xmas on January 7 and this a fact and from my own personal experience. Ukraine, Georgia and Russia used to be part of the Former Soviet Union. I have a question for you DD. So, what I understand from your post is that some groups in Greece still celebrate Xmas on January 7 ? All these posts about Xmas and the orthodox church reminded me of the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" which I liked it very much and I assume that you watched it 😄 This is my last comment on this topic.
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