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Everything posted by badboylovesgirls

  1. It seems that Hanna & Aaron have 6 month visa so they decided to spend the remaining days of the 6 months in Rome which is a good decision so they can explore Rome.
  2. Thx Noldus for the explanation but I don't see any reason why RLC doesn't pay Hanna & Aaron for another day ( Masha's initial plan is on vacation until October 28) especially they have been in the project for almost six months and I think they brought good revenues for RLC. RLC can consider it a small bonus to H&Aa. As I mentioned in B1 thread an hour ago that I think RLC won't be around anymore in the next two years.
  3. OT - I noticed that the subscription fees (Standard & Premium) are now in Euros. The fees used to be the same for euros and US $. For example, premium for one month is US $44.95 or € 44.95. But now it is different, one month premium for € 44.95 or about US $ 57. With this change, RLC is sealing their own fate and I don't think that RLC will be around anymore in the next two years.
  4. It was funny early today that the RLC guy added to the updates that Hanna & Aaron left the project and they were still at Masha's apartment 🤔. I guess the guy is so busy these days with turning the free cams on and off everyday in various apartments as an advertisement. The funny part is he knows when he turns the free cams on and off depending on what the girls are doing and their movements so he should have known that Hanna & Aaron were still at Masha's 😜 🙃
  5. or when they take a bath as Nana and Karol did today
  6. No one knows what is the home country of the current owners of RLC after it was sold in 2017.
  7. Yes, they can recruit girls from Barcelona, Rome or Prague as they did in Russia. The only difference that we need to keep in mind is that one Euro equals about 70-80 Russian currency. That enabled RLC to open more than 10 apartments in Russia which I consider the golden time for RLC profit wise. I think RLC currently doesn't pay too much to these girls (say 1,500-2,500 Euros/month) which is considered a lot of money for these girls in Russian currency. RLC won't be able to hire girls from Europe for the same amount of money to be in front of cameras 24/7 and this is the main problem for RLC and I think they will never recruit girls from Europe and open more apartments in Barcelona, Rome or Prague.
  8. I noticed for the last few days that RLC unlocks the cameras for few hours for most of the apartments including B4 except for B1 & B2. I previously thought that B4 is RLC's wild card or its cash cow 🤑 but it seems that B1 with the new crew is currently the new RLC's wild card. It surprises me that RLC considers B2 their wild card too because they don't unlock B2's cameras. The way that I can explain why RLC does that is the monthly statistics which shows that RLC has millions of visits a month but they are the only people who know the exact number of their actual paid subscribers. I think they found out the percentage of paid customers is very small and that is why they locked all the cameras but it seems that it didn't work well and they started to unlock the cameras for few hours a days as a tease 😜 hoping to bring in new customers.
  9. Thx DD for responding to my post. I agree with you that RLC did some renovations to B1. However, the consensus among people on CC is that B1 is a rented apartment. So, the renovations were either made by the B1's owner or by RLC in what is called leasehold improvements which means that any money RLC spent on the renovations will be in lieu of rent for the next number of months (free rent). So that means RLC have not spent any extra money on B1. Also, don't forget the permanent lock down of all free cams for the last month. The way I see it is RLC is struggling with money to some extent.
  10. Today is September 30 and I noticed that there were no extra activities or shows that usually happened in the past towards the end of each month so the girls can receive the bonus money. I think this proves the theory that RLC stopped paying bonuses to Barcelona girls. I also noticed that RLC increased the monthly standard subscription to $29.99 instead of $19.99. The timing is weird right after joining Olivia, Ulyana and Fiora which means that RLC is hoping to cash in on these three girls. Time will tell.
  11. This also applies to Masha and Gina assuming they are living in Rome and Barcelona legally and not they had a visa and they are currently overstaying their visas.
  12. My understanding if it is correct that Radislava is Russian and from my previous post is that she might be citizen of the EU which she obtained from one of her parents and that is why she can live in Barcelona for long time. Her mother lives in Barcelona too and I don't know for how long she has been living there.
  13. Maybe the girls are not adequately compensated by RLC in the last few months and that is why they cover.
  14. I have a theory about Radi's living in Spain and her status and it is little off topic. I am not sure if some people on here will entertain it. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union and united Germany in 1991, people from the Soviet Union and East Germany moved freely between the two countries and speak the other country's language. For example, Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany) was born in East Germany and she speaks Russian fluently and every time she meets with Putin 😎, you don't see any translators around them. So, maybe some of the parents of RLC's participants were born in the formerly East Germany (including one of Radi's parents) and they became citizens of the EU once the united Germany became a member of the EU. I know that was a long post and off topic.
  15. I hope Radi will connect with Nana and be friend with her which will help Radi settling in more smoothly in B4. I think it is normal feelings what Radi is going through now with the move to a new place especially she hasn't been to B4 many times in the past.
  16. Maybe the guy in charge of the updates has been very busy in turning the free cams on and off for the last week as a tease to new subscribers. 😉
  17. Another theory about Radi's living in Spain and it is little off topic. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union and United Germany in 1991, people from Soviet Union and East Germany moved freely between the two countries and speak the other country's language. For example, Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany) was born in East Germany and she speaks Russian fluently and every time she meets with Putin 😎, you don't see any translators around them. So, maybe some of the parents of RLC's participants were born in the formerly East Germany and they became citizens of the EU once the United Germany became a member of the EU. I know that was a long post and off topic.
  18. or they will have to lock the door so Lola or Anna won't walk into the room and the girls will get caught 😉 😜
  19. I think the girls swapped rooms based on an agreement among themselves since they started changing rooms awhile ago without notifying RLC. That is why RLC hasn't updated the list yet.
  20. I agree. She may have gone to schools in Ukraine. That doesn't prevent her from obtaining a citizenship of one of the EU countries from her parent while she was leaving in her home country. If someone obtains a citizenship of one of the 28 countries of the EU, he/she can live and work freely in any of the Schengen countries.
  21. Maybe they are swapping rooms so each one of them can stay in the master bedroom for a month or so which is a nice thing to do. Who knows, Radi might visit Mila and stay the night in the master bedroom for more future events like the one happened in B1.
  22. I also have seen Radi's mother visited her few times in B1 which means that her mother lives in Barcelona too.
  23. Thanks, that is valuable information. If Radi moved to Spain between 2000 and 2015, she was a young girl and can't take this big step on her own. As my thought is that Radi and possibly Masha got their European citizenship from one of their parents when they were very young girls.
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