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Everything posted by badboylovesgirls

  1. Yes, I have seen them counting Euros too in €50 bills.
  2. So, that means some of the current girls (Nana & the B2 girls) are on expired visas ? They have been in Barcelona for about 5 months. I think you can have a 6 month Schengen tourist visa. For example, Aaron & Hanna left Rome a week ago or so before the end of their six month stay.
  3. I am not sure about the type of visa that these girls have. It could be tourist visa and this may explain why these girls get paid in cash !!
  4. Should all the girls in Barcelona have a work visa from the first day they enter the apartments ? My understanding is that in many countries you can't work on a tourist visa. You should have a work visa to work and earn money. If these girls enter Barcelona on a tourist visa and work, that will be a problem for them.
  5. Thx, I don't know why I thought that RLC used to pay for a certain number of bottles of booze per apartment every month and if the girls want to buy more they would have to pay themselves.
  6. They have had a number of shots tonight so I have a question. Who pays for the booze they have when there is a party or a gathering like tonight ? RLC or the girls ?
  7. I agree with you that there are thousands and thousands of bisexual women outside Russia or Ukraine (for example in the EU countries) due to the open society and diversified culture and I am sure that RLC can find these women but the problem is that RLC won't recruit women from Spain, Italy or any other EU country because RLC has to pay these women more than they pay the current participants coming from Russia or Ukraine due to the value of Russia or Ukraine currency again the Euro. In my opinion, this is the main challenge that RLC is facing since the closing of the Russian apartments. The Russian apartments were RLC's cash machine and it seems that RLC is not able to conquer this challenge so far. If they could do that, they would have done it back in 2019. I think RLC won't be able to overcome this problem in the future and the proof is shown in the continuing decline of RLC's ratings and viewership.
  8. I think no girl shared Vivian's bed (neither Pam nor Nana) because Vivian was pregnant.
  9. I think RLC in the last couple of years relies on word of mouth (referrals) from previous tenants to recruit new girls. If I remember correctly, Amy brought Ariana, Serafima brought Radislava and Carlos & Claire, Amalia brought Pam, Pam brought Vivian and now Daniela brought Buffy. I also think that Tereza brought Riya and Aaron & Hanna because I believe that they are friends before joining RLC.
  10. If Anthony & Loraine rejoins RLC, we will have to be ready again for Loraine's bad habit of whispering in other girls' ears 😒. she just whispered in Nana's ear.
  11. As I mentioned on here few days ago, the reappearance of Anthony & Loraine is a kind of slow introduction of them to rejoin RLC in the master bedroom in B4. They did the same tactic last year before they joined RLC in B4, they appeared in B1 for an evening with the B1 girls at that time before moving into B4 a couple of days later. I really don't understand RLC's logic of moving some of B4 girls (the twins & Karol) to B1 because they made a stupid move and kicked out the 4 girls of B1 . This move caused some rooms in B4 empty and it seems that RLC now is trying to fill the vacant master bedroom with not a very popular couple (Anthony & Loraine). Again, I can't understand this logic
  12. Off topic, I saw Lorraine at Gina's which means that Lorraine & Anthony are back in Barcelona ? I have a feeling that Lorraine & Anthony will rejoin RLC in B4 in the master bedroom. In their last stay, they stopped by B1 for an evening few days before they joined RLC in B4. I guess we will know in the next few days.
  13. So I guess she will probably need to buy another suitcase for the stuff that she will buy.
  14. It seems that Buffy is a nice and quiet girl, I like her. She didn't bring a lot of luggage with her so does that mean she won't stay for a long time ? maybe a month or so ?
  15. I just saw Lorraine at Gina's which means that Lorraine & Anthony are back in Barcelona ? I have a feeling that Lorraine & Anthony will rejoin RLC in B4 in the master bedroom. In their last stay, they stopped by B1 for an evening few days before they joined RLC in B4. I guess we will know in the next few days.
  16. I think that the slight improvement of RLC's statistics in October compared to the ones in September is due to the participation of the 4 girls of B1 because they were in B1 for the whole month of October. I am really curious to see RLC's statistics for the month of November after B1 girls left.
  17. It is good that Holly rejoined. I guess RLC asked Holly to rejoin as an attempt to save the sinking ship. The only think I am not sure about, why Holly didn't go to B4 instead of B1 ? Does that mean there is a hope the B1 girls will reappear in B4 ?
  18. I mean that Tesla & Elian were told not to play very loud music in the first week of their stay in B4 and that made them change the way they behaved for the rest of their stay. Elian might have had COVID but I think she recovered, otherwise she wouldn't be able to travel back home.
  19. It is Wednesday late night in Barcelona, can we conclude that the 4 girls of B1 won't show up again in B4 and they really left RLC ? It seems that RLC kicked them out because of the noises but the way I see it that RLC has shot themselves in the foot because this will hurt their ratings and their sales. Earlier this year, they did the same twith Tesla & Elian. I don't think that RLC will be able to find girls (new or previous participants) like the B1 girls, Tesla & Elian or the other girls who were in Barcelona early this year. I am under the impression that RLC in the recent months has different owners & management.
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