I do not like anyone saying that ""you deserve better"". Because we do not know who or what will be better. Everyone deserves to be happy. They too. Together or separate.
Nina made a mistake. She made a big mistake. But she is not the first and the last . The mistakes are there to learn from it. and to be better people.
This was my last post here. At present I have a relationship and I would like to concentrate completely on it.
Good luck girls💕 and Bye guys ✌️
Nina does not even know what that means. Okay, she has romantic moments but I think it's just a play. She is a very good actress. Actually, she is unable to show real feelings. unless it serves her purpose. In her world, no one else exists except for herself. And of course the people who serve her. I know she's not a bad person inside. Only her selfishness was overwhelmed by her.
Hope one day Nina will be able to change and appreciate other people.
Nina is barely sleeping at home recently. She really does her best for her musical career. This is good. But I hope she does not overdo this. Sometimes need to stop and relax/sleep
I did not like Nina's new hair. First of all, it was strange. But I just love it since yesterday. She is very beautiful with this hair. Especially in ponytail.
Is this just for me? I noticed that Nina was changing more and more. Her behavior and style are also. Long artificial nails. It's strange about a lesbian. I do not want to criticize her. It's just weird.
Nina has changed a lot. She is much more relaxed. In the past, she was much more tense and she was shouting or arguing. Okay, she's sometimes childish but she's so cute.😃
Yes she is very tense. I'm surprised she has not exploded yet.😩 Perhaps it would be best if she would go away from home alone and breathe some fresh air. Maybe that would help her relax.
Nina , Kira and DE's relationship is very strange. I remember not long ago that Kira and DE were flirting with each other. At least it seemed.
Anyway, I think she's (DE)important to Nina. As musically as a friendly one. No matter how much they argue, they always reconcile. So I think she'll still be a lot on that couch.😄
I do not know this is just for me, but there seems to be some tension between Kira and DE. I do not understand that. They were in good relationship with each other. Strange.