Well yes,this i stay and think what was the reason they do that ..maybe a stupid joke i don t know .. i didn t want to get angry and to go at room because i know it if i do this..will be a litlle fight ..
I am sorry again about that ...
And ..i am not si better. Hahaha. My eye it is very very reeeed 😂😍
..Well I don t really know what to say ..I didn t expect at that .. it was not the first time they come in our appartament and we don t have words anymore ..
We are so so sorry about that...i don t have words anymore about that .
They know about the cam,they was fine with tha..and now this...
We are so so sorry about that and hope we didn t disappointed you guys ...
Well for example.. us are really normal!😂😂
We really live our normal life,with normal sex and nudity. I don t know other house like are,but us really live the real and not in a movie or something like that.
Yes. You have right here. I am so proud of her ! ❤️
And for example she works again at 31 in the night when is "Happy new year"
But she is happy with this,because she know how important is for other people to be at work!
They wished to stay with us,but mom it is tommorow at work.(because she work s in hospital and sometimes she don t have the holiday free on Christmas. ) 😥