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Everything posted by dh2995

  1. Yes. My view is that they didn't really wish to leave the old apt, they had to, because of too many problems in the building apparently. Besides, they are well aware of, and sorry for, the bad cam positions. Stas still has long working days. They are both tired. Let's give time to time.
  2. Hi, Stas. Clara doesn't seem to look well this morning ๐Ÿ˜ž . Sore throat, it seems. I wish her a quick recovery.
  3. This time the "technical issues" tweet was true. The tech guy came today and a few easy changes have already been made in the angles of cams 1, 6 & 7, by him or them. They also showed him the pb about the bathroom.
  4. One might tend to think from my previous posts that one of the votes for item 1 was mine ๐Ÿ˜‰ In fact, no. I won't vote Please forgive me, but I don't see the point: the result seemed to me so predictable even before people started voting, and no item corresponds to my feelings. There is in my view a contradiction in the intention itself: not interfering with their lifestyle... but intending to make them more successful... by suggesting an alteration in their lifestyle ("open-minded" relationships...). This won't help them anyway: they read the forum, they are no fools, and the poll just gives percentages to opinions already expressed by some posters on the forum. I don't think that, even with the good intention of helping them, keeping suggesting things some of which we already know they are not willing to do is really useful or helpful. (I remember the BDSM show they tried a few weeks ago. They looked much happier, better, then more convincing, in the sex they had just after than during the show which Clara didn't seem to enjoy much at times...) They're the ones who know best about their relationship and they'd better go on their own way, whatever life style they choose, for whatever results. JMHO again, of course A last thing: I may not post as much for some time, but this will only be due to personal circumstances giving me less time for that. Just to avoid any misunderstanding and wrong conclusions... ๐Ÿ˜‰
  5. Necessary and easy to do, indeed !๐Ÿ˜Š They've started improving things: Stas has replaced the light bulbs by brighter ones. That's a start.
  6. I am one of those few writers here who don't find them boring, who don't mind if they don't go into orgies, on whom Clara "must be working some magic", etc, etc... But that's OK, I have already said why I like them and follow them. And their ratings are said to be fine, anyway, so there must be some other people somewhere who like them. But indeed I agree - and am sorry for C&S - that there is a problem with the cams. Because the apt is rather larger than the old one, in which viewers were rather close to them, most of the cams being under or jut above head level there. I don't know if it may be of any use or effect, but, being used to taking caps of them ๐Ÿ˜‰ , I thought I could rather immodestly help with a few suggestions they or someone else there might like to think about... Cam 3 (on the list, not the plan, which is still that of the old apt): why not put it just above or even under the TV, to have a closer view of the couch and what's going on in the kitchen? As it is now the view is even blocked when they open the top cupboard. Bathroom cam, much too high, + the problem with the open door. I think Clara noticed the problem and texted to someone. Why not put it on the other side of the door, maybe somewhere just above or near the clothes peg. Bedroom: difficult to say, as it has not been used yet, but: Cam 7 could simply be put on the next shelf below. Cam 6 could be brought slightly closer, unless the lens can be set to focus a little bit closer. C&S will surely read this. I know it's easy to give advice when one isn't inside the house and one isn't aware of some technical problems the tech man may have had to face, but this might at least be thought over to try to improve things a little. All this IMHO. I think they have already noticed things that go wrong and have told someone about it.
  7. They are far from having finished settling. Clara, who likes her house clean and tidy, has a lot of work ahead ! No bathroom cam...! But the tech man seems to be working in that important place ๐Ÿ˜‰ .
  8. Even is you change for a better place, you always leave something of your life behind, there is always something nostalgic in this for some time. You hopefully get over this once you've settled in your new place.
  9. Thanks for this, a reward in itself ๐Ÿ™‚ Nice challenge to capture beautiful moments without controlling the camera.๐Ÿ™‚
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