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Everything posted by dh2995

  1. Happy New Year to all of you participants and viewers, with plenty of lovely moments of fun, passion and tenderness !
  2. And a number of happy moments before Mr Black... Stas can be proud of himself Hi, Clara ! Hi again ! Come on ! not the right time to answer the phone !
  3. Do you mean, Clara & Stas? If so, well, they have gone nowhere special, and posts here are an indication that the last couple of days have not been without some action...
  4. Those papers come from the square red bag he takes to work. Anyway, whatever the cause, let's hope things will boil down soon. There are quieter moments between melt downs when Clara tenderly calms him down.
  5. Cam re-positioned. Thanks. Wonder where they picked up that nice laptop wallpaper
  6. seems to have enjoyed it... Stas's turn now (still that cam pointing too low...)
  7. Make up, sexy underwear, cleaning the whole apt this afternoon... must be preparing something for tonight...
  8. Pity that camera points so low that it cuts the heads of people standing in the room. In David & Carrie's apt it is much better positioned. If Clara or Stas ever read this, could they please slightly point it upwards ?
  9. After Clara's reward, Stas's reward, with some more teasing... Ice cream on Stas's dick for Clara to suck ! Quite effective ! Another round of teasing You are a lucky man, Stas, To live with a girl of that class...
  10. After the teasing, the reward that sent Clara squirting twice Thumbs up ! Squirting
  11. Yes she does Right now putting on sexy lingerie Getting ready for sexy night maybe
  12. She likes to be charming... He didn't stay long and when he left she used the formal formula for "good bye" instead the usual one you use with friends
  13. Never seen before. No friendly hug or kiss from Clara, when he came into the apt. Just a warm homely smile. https://voyeur-house.tv/realm1/cam12?timestamp=1513710132 Some neighbour or acquaintance ? Ha had a quick look straight into the camera
  14. reading what looks like C & S's contract. C & S giving them lots of explanations.
  15. I quite agree. As far as I can remember the session with Tim was much shorter and less sexy that with Stas who Tim can't compare with. In my memory, although she didn't dislike it, her generally expressive face did not show as much pleasure as last night, for example, in these pics. Apparently they have moved past this. For everyone's benefit...
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