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Everything posted by jugghead

  1. If you tell me this is the preferred place i will def accept that.
  2. Either way, here we have Linda. Hello, Linda. Thank you for what you have done. We all hope you will continue to do amazing things. Some people expect some thiings that may seem crazy but i won't say I disagree with seeing you do what they ask. Signed, dumbass. PS Your body is the most amazing and your muscles are tight asf.
  3. I ask that the mods please understand what I say. It was all about pulo. The case was made to just ignore him. I choose to not do so because I feel he adds value. Anyway, it's ridiculous. He persists in both the split forums. Finally, and long windedly, I wish the two split forums were one again so I know where the F*** to post. Signed, Dumbass😉 Thank you.
  4. I just want to say that I hate the TWO Leora forums. Like, really? I have to be made to decide which one to post in? Isn't this shit confusing enough? I get it. I should put this in rants but who actually looks at rants except the guy that rants? 😁 A forum requires users to continue. Why make it harder?
  5. Any way, don't beat her up too much. She is one of a kind here and i don't want to lose her. Lose her, lose me. Then you will all have your wish ;)))
  6. She can wear a potato sack and look great. That soft number she has on is sexy in it's own way.
  7. Therefore, I will commence with my inane speeches. Thank you for all your input users. You have done your collective jobs. 🤣
  8. Okay you got me. Just be gentle, okay? I'm trying to do something here. But, inquiring minds want to know. What, exactly, are you trying to do? What is your purpose? I keep picturing the gorilla was your first avatar. what's your purpose? Let's say right here in pubic.
  9. I stand behind every thing I say disruptor, and when you can say you paid for shit, nobody cares about your childish opinion. We allow you to be here because you are the comedic relief. You know your lane. I know mine. Let's stay in them.
  10. You get what you pay for...oh I forgot, you don't pay.
  11. It's better us guys hold them up with our hands.
  12. My two favorites are number one and two in the thumbs. I'm happy as shit
  13. We have saved Linda a TON of money on bras. Dude, her bras gotta cost like 200 bucks.
  14. You know I will make a joke about it. 😉
  15. We need to petition them both to get outside this summer. The balconys don't get used enough.
  16. Wish Le did more what Linda is doing. The workouts and a bit more naked shows. I miss those.
  17. I thought I already did and I noticed an avatar? Trying to finger out who's ass that is. If it's yours Dayum!
  18. I hope she gets on the balcony more this year. Need to work on Linda about this too. ;)))
  19. She must know I'm watching because she is putting more effort into it today
  20. Wondering what a cam behind Leora's mirror would show 😉
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