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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 14 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

    It could be any number of reasons, low self esteem, fear of being alone, think they have no better options, all the same bad reasons. I'm not talking about this situation specifically, but generally.

    I don't think any of these people on here have any esteem or self worth really if they have to go through VH to get a roof over their heads etc just to perform sex for all the world to see and comment on. Very sad really especially when they rely on people like us to pay to watch them. Sad old perverted world ain't it. Makes you wonder who is worse us or them?

  2. 39 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Plenty of domestic violence issues all over the world, but I think it's a major problem in Russia in particular. 

    I have been seeing this coming for  while now, i know i have often referred to him as a caveman but that is what he is, a fucking animal.

    God know what she ever saw in him apart from his knob but then like the old saying goes, love is blind.

    Have never understood why so many women who are abused just can't see it and keep going back.

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  3. 30 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Oh yes, you are correct. It would be $80 x 96, not 96,000 devided by $80. So, you are right, that's $7680 worth of tokens. 

    Further to this madness that is the cam girl industry. The girl makes about $5 for every 100 tokens that she earns. So, if this guy dumped all 96,000 at one time, she would earn, $4800, correct? Which means that Charturbare earned $7680 + $2880 for a total profit of $10560. Wait, something isn't right. They can't earn more then he spent to begin with. Someone want to dive in and clear this up? Lol!! I'm an idiot when it comes to math. :biggrin:

    For reference, here is what tokens are worth to broadcasters:

    • 20 tokens = $1
    • 100 tokens = $5
    • 500 tokens = $25
    • 1000 tokens = $50
    • 10000 tokens = $500

    Surely if its $7680 worth of tokens chaterbate & the girl earn basically half each which is how cam4 works which is $3840 to each party. Seems a lot but then so is 96,000 lol

  4. 2 hours ago, Mira&Henry said:

    Tell us, how did your life go in our absence? Did you like my beloved friend Vera?
    Soon, by the way, I'll open a little secret, I'll have Vera and Darcy here a photo session. It will be interesting and beautiful. For this, I need your moral support and faith in us !!!if you have any ideas - ask YOU: write me about it !!! Nickname of the authors of the best ideas will hang in our house in the most prominent place!
    Love you!!!!


    Hi Mira, Vera was great during her stay many of us enjoyed her very much and she seemed to get more used to being there as time went by.

    Myself i look forward to seeing much more of her, were disappointed a little that Ron wasn't with her but appreciated Vera very much.

    I do hope your face is now getting better without any lasting marks it was a very nasty cut. xxxxx

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  5. If we are going to have so many apartments now we urgently need a quick scanning system like thumbnails and motion detectors installed as you waste most of your time going through every apartment to see what's happening and that isn't allowing for looking in each room. By the time you have gone though all of them you may have missed stuff in other apartments, it's a real nightmare especially if you have problems with cams loading etc etc.

    Also in the recent apartment additions the cams (or lack of them) must have been installed by idiots in many cases especially where they have seemed to allow the residents to hide from view or even vanish completely for vast amounts of time. 

    I know we have the timeline but then again time taken scaning through these you are just missing stuff elsewhere  it's a vicious circle.

    The criteria has to be quality before quantity i think.

    So come on VH get your act together fast or else you are just going to piss people right off.

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