Was that in the b4 house or some other ? Would have been cool if there was an archive where you could go back and rewatch it, but ofc. the replay only goes back a few days and would be impossible I think if they had to save streams from so long ago.
Hmm I really like Jas but dunno how I would feel about that, I like to watch her alone with the girls, I might watch time to time for the sex or when / if she is alone.
Do you think they will have sex again tonight? Or maybe she got enough for now, they already had twice since he came, one last night and again in the morning.
OT. Mira bate - I think she wanted something but kai wanted to sleep, and they have the mom sleeping in the guestroom, and Mira took a long jelly dildo and cleaned it a bit ready to go in the livingroom, hope the mother doesnt walk in on her lol.