I dont think thats why, they have rooms inside the house they could use where they cant be heard.
My guess they just had some paperwork to take care of with with RLC staff or something like that.
Ooh even in the dots, damn, I did wonder why these dots came now and then but didnt think there was any unique personal code in them other than to show it was from RLC.
But I understand them, that they dont want their content spread all around.
Sorry but wasnt really begging, was just curious what it was, its up to you if you want to upload or not its fine with me, you dont have to. By research do you mean it is already posted or?
Or maybe its best not to, RLC is very strict with copyright, don't want you to get banned, if your id number is visible in the image and they see it they will ban. Or use pm.
Is it always the first on the list that are next to go? Also do you know if they spend christmas and new years in the house, or did they go home to family?
I know they get paid but they are supposed to live like normal people and not live after a script that tells them to act in a certain way and do certain things, as it says at the top of RLC "the private life of other people live 24/4"
They could be sitting all day long just reading a book and do nothing else, thats what you pay for, the sex the nudity and things like that is just a bonus :)