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StnCld316 last won the day on March 11 2024

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  1. StnCld316


  2. You read her profile to find the answer. You sly dog!
  3. Martha has left the project.
  4. Some Britain's have a different way with words. It's easy too spot them, just fly a plane over England and toss fish & chips out the window and they'll come out in droves for the feeding.
  5. What does "can't be arsed" mean? '” The top definition for “can't be arsed” at Urban Dictionary is “To be seriously demotivated; To be disinclined to get off one's arse; To be unwilling to do something.”
  6. Not very often there is sound in the bathrooms. The sound of someone pinching a loaf is not all that thrilling.
  7. She hardly even watches porn. She masturbates to mostly fictional characters that would not excite anyone else but her boat floats a little different than others.
  8. 5 Hours to go for our region. I'll make sure I have a hot cup of coffee for the moment.
  9. Comments for Pictures & Videos are to be placed in this Topic. The Picture & Video topics are solely for Pictures & Videos.
  10. With Leora & Paul it's like the blind leading the blind.
  11. She wore a thermal wig that covered her real hair. If that had been real hair she would have burned her scalp instantly, and her hair would have singed. The fact that she moved around for over 10 seconds before realizing her hair was on fire proves that it was a staged event.
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